G. F. Blust, Princeton, was born in Freeport, Ill., February 24, 1857. He is the son of George and Mary (Heck) Blust.
Mr. Blust was reared and educated in Freeport. For seven years in early life he clerked for Best & Morgan, of Freeport, and there laid the foundation for his future success as a business man. In 1877, after having been absent from his
native city for some time, he returned, and in partnership with Mr. R. Donaldson engaged in the dry goods and notion business. In 1880 Mr. Blust located at Princeton, where he has since done a successful business. He has increased his stock of goods year by year till he now has a very complete stock of dry goods, millinery, fancy goods and notions, most of which he purchases in the East for cash. When first engaged in business in Princeton it was in partnership with Mr. W. G. Flindt. They also had a branch store at Rockford, Ill. February 5, 1882, the firm dissolved partnership, Mr. Flindt continuing at Rockford and Mr. Blust at Princeton.
February 24, 1881, at Freeport, Mr. Blust was united in marriage to Miss Ida A. Wade, a daughter of John and Agnes (Moore) Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Blust have one child, viz.: May Josephine, born May 3, 1883.
Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885