Biography of John Richard Adkins

Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Cass County vol 2 toc

The late John Richard Adkins of Ashland, Ill., was one of those men whose memory is held in kindly recollection long after they have passed away. His deeds of kindness were many, and his record of a life of honest industry and helpful, peaceful neighborliness is something to be cherished by family and community. Mr. Adkins was born on the southern line of Cass County, July 10, 1839, a son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Smith) (Flinn) Adkins, natives of Tennessee, the latter being the widow of Josiah Flinn, who had left four children, they being as follows: Nancy, who is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph R. Askew, M.D.

Joseph R Askew, MD

Askew, Joseph R., M.D., (deceased), formerly a well known and prominent physician of Jacksonville, Illinois, was born on a farm near Winton, Hertford County, N. C., May 25, 1819. He was a son of Jere Dergan Askew, born in 1777, on the same place, and a planter and slave holder of some means. His grandfather came from Scotland to Virginia before the Revolutionary War. In boyhood Dr. Askew attended various private academies, and in October, 1838, when nineteen years old, entered Jefferson Medical College, at Philadelphia, from which he graduated in 1841. In 1843 he went to St. Louis by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albyn Lincoln Adams, M. D.

Historical encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Morgan County

Adams, Albyn Lincoln, M.D., a very successful physician in Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois, was born at Pine Hill, Ontario, Canada, April 13, 1865, the son of James W. and Lee (Bowman) Adams, natives of Ohio. Mr. Adams received his early mental training in the public schools of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the Fostoria (Ohio) Academy, and afterward served an apprenticeship in the drug business in Grand Rapids and Hart, Mich. He then entered Bennett Medical College, Chicago, from which he was graduated, in 1886, with the degree of M.D. While in Chicago he became a registered pharmacist, and was engaged … Read more

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