Biography of James R. Cottle of Princeton, Illinois

History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

James R. Cottle, Princeton, was born February 26, 1835, in Singapore, East India. His father, Richard Cottle, is a native of England, and yet resides in Bristol. In early life he was a carriage trimmer, but is now Government Inspector of the Great Western Railroad. James R. Cottle, Sr. the father of Richard Cottle, was a gentleman of leisure; he was formerly a Government Collector. The mother of our subject was Eliza (Betterridge) Cottle, a native of Thatchan, Berkshire, England. She died in Bristol. She was the mother of nine children, of whom six are now living, but none in … Read more

Biography of Isaac C. Black of Arlington, Illinois

History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Isaac C. Black, Arlington, was born September 22, 1832, in Plumstead Township, Bucks Co., Penn. He is a son of Isaac and Cynthia (Carver) Black, who were natives of the same place and were the parents of nine children, viz.: Sophia, William, Catharine, Anna, Levi, Isaac C., Ezra, Abraham and Jesse Black. Of these Abraham was killed in the battle of the Wilderness. Only our subject and his brother William Black, who is a farmer in Ohio Township, came to Bureau County. Isaac C. Black was reared in his native county, where he worked at saw-milling and carpentering till August … Read more

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