Biography of Matthew Buhler of Lamoille, Illinois

Matthew Buhler, Lamoille, was born April 25, 1842, in Dornhan, Wurtemburg, Germany. His parents, Andrew and Mary (Smith) Buhler, died in Germany. They were the parents of the following children: George, Andrew and Christina, are deceased; Mrs. Mary Wossner and Mrs. Cordula Wossner, are residents of Germany; John Buhler, a resident of Iowa; Jacob Buhler, of Milwaukee, and Matthew Buhler, our subject.

He was educated in Germany, where he learned his trade, which he followed two years in Chicago. In the fall of 1860 he came to Lamoille, where he worked two years at his trade for Squire Betz, and then worked in Princeton till March, 1863, when he returned to Lamoille and engaged in business for himself, and has been a wide-awake business man ever since. Since 1877 he has been in the wind-mill and pump business, and is now sole manufacturer of the “Victor Windmills.” He is also a member of the firm that is the patentee and manufacturer of the “Luptons Cultivator Knives.”

Mr. Buhler was married here November 12, 1865, to Syrena G. Roth, who was born February 16, 1846, in Lamoille, where she died February 17, 1877. She was the daughter of David and Nancy D. (Phelps) Roth, natives of New York. Mrs. Syrena G. Buhler was the mother of four children; Ada M., George P., Frank M., and Clara B. Buhler.

Mr. Buhler is a member of the Lutheran Church. Politically he is a Republican. He was a soldier in the 100-day service, enlisting in company G, of the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He is an active member of the G. A. R. Post and of the A. F. & A. M. fraternity.

Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885

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