The Upper Mississippian

After the Banner began its support of the Democratic party, the Whigs felt the need of a paper during the political excitement of 1840, and accordingly in the early part of October of that year the Upper Mississipian was started; its editors and proprietors at first not being announced, but all communications were to be addressed to Daniel Crist. The paper had an eventful career and its editorial columns were principally filled with personal quarrels. At times the paper failed to be published on account of lack of funds with which to purchase paper, and at one time it was suggested to buy muslin and. print on that; the subscribers to wash and return it in time for the next issue; but the project was never carried out. On September 24, 1842, the press and type were replevined in the name of John G. Powers, and the paper was printed for that week in the Gazette office at Davenport. In November, 1842, a new press and type were purchased. Among the people prominently connected with the Upper Mississipian during its career were: Daniel Crist; Doctor Silas Reed, who furnished the editorial; and Thomas Gregg., Harmon G. Reynolds purchased the paper from Crist in November, 1844, and changed the name to the Upper Mississipian and Rock Island Republican. It expired early in 1847.

Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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