Biography of Burghard Berge of Fairfield, Illinois

Burghard Berge, Fairfield, was born July 17, 1831, in Landerfeld, Cur Hessen, Germany. His parents were Paulus and Elizabeth (Herte) Berger. The father died in Germany, but the mother came to America in 1860, and died in Bureau County, Ill., March 28, 1878. She was the mother of five children: Carl, Burghard, Andrew, George, and Mrs. Elizabeth Sippel.

Of the above, Burghard Berge came to America in August, 1857. He worked three and a half years by the month in Tazewell County, Ill., and then married and removed to Woodford County, where he farmed three and a half years. He then removed to Henry County, where he farmed another year, after which, in March, 1866, he came to Bureau County, Ill. He bought eighty acres, which he sold, and bought 160 acres in Fairfield Township, where he resides.

He was married July 25, 1862, to Hattie E. Parks, who died in Henry County. He was married a second time January 9, 1866, to Martha E. Miller, born July 5, 1844, Vockerode, Cur Hessen, Germany, daughter of Johannes and Catharina E. (Grabe) Miller, who died in Germany. Mrs. Berge is the mother of seven children, viz.: Matilda, Johannah, Frederick William, J. Burghard, Carl William, Rosetta and Lydia E. Berge.

Mr. and Mrs. Berge are members of the German Evangelical Church. Politically he is a Republican.

Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885

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