J. Christzman, Princeton, was born November 7, 1833, in Harrisburg, Penn. He is the son of Henry and Margaret (Zigler) Christzman. The father was born in Gettysburg, Penn., and the mother was also a native of the same State. She was the daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Zigler. The Zigler family was one of the early families of Pennsylvania. Of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chritzman’s family six are now living, viz.; Mrs. Maria Bigler, Mrs. Charlotte Black, Jacob, Christian, Harry and George.
The subject of this sketch was educated in his native city, and in early life worked in a commission hours, after which he served an apprenticeship of three years as a molder in a foundry at Lancaster, Penn. He then engaged in the foundry business for two years for himself at Berrysburg, Penn. In 1853 Mr. Critzman came West, and for one year lived in Minnesota; then one year in Mt. Carroll, Ill., but in 1855 he came to Princeton and engaged in the foundry business, continuing in the same till November, 1878, since which time he has been dealing in all kinds of agricultural implements, including reapers, mowers, threshers, engines, plows, cultivators, buggies, etc.
In Princeton, January 10, 1859 he was united in marriage to Miss Rachel Jane Knox, who was born in Bureau County in 1839. She is the daughter of William and Mary (Mercer) Knox, both natives of Ohio, as were also their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Christzman have two children now living, viz.: Lottie and Clarence. Mrs. Christzman is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a member of the Masonic order, and has taken all the degrees, being a member of the Bureau Lodge, No. 112, Princeton Chapter, Temple Commandery, No 20, Orin Council and Scottish Rite to the thirty-second degree, and also K. of H. and Mutual Aid. In politics he is Democratic.
Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885