Biography of Jacob S. Carper of Macon, Illinois

Jacob S. Carper, Macon, was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, April 12, 1834. He is the son of John and Catherine Carper. They came to Bureau County in 1854, and settled at Walnut Grove, and died there, he in April, 1875, she in October, 1857. They were born in Bedford County, Penn. and had resided there till coming to this county. They had a family of six sons and two daughters, who survive them. He is brother of Adam Carper of Macon, Illinois.

In April, 1851, our subject came to Illinois, but lived in Fulton County until 1857, when he came to Bureau County, and bought his present farm, and began putting it under cultivation. His farm now contains 259 acres.

In October 1861, he entered the service of his country, in Company K, Fifty-seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry. In October 1862, he received a Lieutenant’s commission, which rank he held till receiving his discharge in April 1865. More of the history of this company and regiment will be found in the chapter devoted to the county’s current history of the late war.

After returning from the army, Mr. Carper again began farming, and has continued in the same occupation since.

He was married, in Bureau County, January 2, 1866, to Miss Catherine Horton (see sketch on Allen Horton). She died in June. 1869, leaving one son–William S. Carper.

In August 1870, Mr. Carper was united in marriage to Miss Margaret J. Dieffenderfer, a native of Pennsylvania, and a daughter of William and Sarah Dieffenderfer, also natives of Pennsylvania. The father is now a resident of this county, but the mother is deceased. Mrs. Carper had one brother, viz: A. Dieffenderfer, of Osceola, ILL. Mrs. Carper has three children living, viz: George A., Sarah K. and Frank G.

Mr. Carper is a member of the G. A. R. Post of Buda. He is Republican in politics.

Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885

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