Biography of John C. Crossman of Lamoille, Illinois

John C. Crossman, Lamoille, was born January 29, 1830, in Draycott, Somersetshire, England. (See Biography of George Crossman of Lamoille, Illinois.) Mr. Crossman came to the United States about 1850. He worked two years in Onondaga County, New York, where he was also married.

In March 1852, he came to Lamoille, Illinois, and after working one year, rented land and farmed. In 1855 he bought 160 acres of land, which he soon sold, and after renting another year bought 160 acres of William Hart, which he sold, and in 1857 went to New York State, and from there to England, where he visited his relatives, returning to Lamoille the following year. Here he first rented the place which he afterward bought, and now owns 617 acres of land, on which he makes stock-raising a specialty.

Our subject was married July 24, 1851 to Elizabeth Weeks, who was born December 23, 1828, in England. Her parents, William and Ann (Dix) Weeks, were also natives of England. Mrs. Crossman is the mother of the following children who reached maturity: Mrs. Mary A. Hopps (deceased), Mrs. Sarah Williams, Eliza Crossman, Mrs. Fannie Dunbar, John F., Ollie, Alice, and Nellie Crossman.

When Mr. Crossman came to this country he was poor in purse, but rich in will power and industry, hence his prosperity. He is a strong Republican, and takes an active part in politically matters, and also a deep interest in agriculture matters, and is President of the Agriculture Society of Bureau County.

Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885

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