Biography of Joshua J. Colver of Hall, Illinois

Joshua J. Colver, Hall, was born November 24, 1832, in Rittersville, Leigh County, Penn. His parents, Charles and Susanna (Kemmer) Colver, are natives of the same county and are now living near Bethlehem, Northampton, Co., Penn. They are the parents of four children, viz: Joshua J., Maria, Mrs. Fayette Schortz (deceased), and Charles.

Joshua J. Colver was reared and educated in his native county. He was married at Allentown, the county seat, on Christmas day 1866, to Miss. Matilda R. Lazaeus, who was born August 15, 1839, in Northampton County, Penn. Her parents, Thomas and Polly (Bolliett) Lazarus, were natives of Pennsylvania, where the former was thrown from a

buggy and killed, September, 1871, at the age of sixty-two years. His wife is still living, and is the mother of nine children, viz.: Catharine, Elizabeth, Caroline, Matilda R., Jonas E., Lovina, James, Richard and Tilghman, who died at the age of nine years. Mr. and Mrs. Colver have three sons, viz.: John T., born July 15, 1867, William H., born March 17, 1871, and Franklin B., born July 15, 1880.

Mr. Colver came to this county in 1859, and the next year he and his father bought eighty acres of land. He returned to Pennsylvania the same year and in 1867 come to Bureau County to live. His farm contains 160 acres. In politics he is a Republican. Mr. and Mrs. Colver are members of the Lutheran Church.

Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885

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