Peter J. Cassidy, Westfield, was born August 4, 1845, in North Gore, Canada West, to which place his grandparents, Peter and Margaret Cassidy, came at an early day. They were natives of Ireland and soon became successful farmers in Canada. In the fall of 1847 they came to Bureau County, Ill., where they bought and entered thirteen eighties of land, a part of which were Mexican war claims. All the land was in Westfield Township. They became quite well-to-do farmers and eventually removed to Ottawa, LaSalle County, where both died. They reared a family of nine children: Philip, Patrick, Margaret, Peter, Ann, Mary, James, Catharine and Terrence. Of these Patrick Cassidy was born 1819, in County Cavan, Ireland. He came here with his parents and entered 240 acres of land. He died here July 16, 1855. He was married in Canada to Joanna Cochlin, born September 29, 1823, in County Cork, Ireland. She is yet living and is the mother of five children, now living: Peter J., our subject; Mrs. Mary A. White, of Montgomery County, Iowa; Mrs. Joanna Manning, Catharine and Patrick.
Of these Peter J. was educated in this county. Here he taught fourteen terms of school. He has farmed the last six years, and now has 280 acres of land. He was married November 19, 1877, in Sheffield, Ill., to Mary M. A. Lawler, daughter of Luke and Catharine (O’Maley) Lawler, natives of Ireland. The latter’s brother, Patrick O’Maley, is now a resident of Montgomery County, Iowa. Mrs. Cassidy was an able teacher in Bureau County. She was the mother of C. Jennie, John L. and Harry V., the latter deceased. Mrs. Cassidy died April 27, 1883, aged twenty-five years.
Politically Mr. Cassidy is a Democrat. He has filled the township offices, and is now Assessor, having filled the office four years.
Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885