Biography of William Crisman of Macon, Illinois

William Crisman, Macon, was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, June 25, 1825. He is the son of William and Margaret (Wisegarver) Crisman. They were both natives of Pennsylvania and of German descent. They died in Bedford County. They had eleven children who reached maturity, and of that number six sons and two daughters yet survive.

Our subject was reared on a farm, but at the age of sixteen began learning his trade of millwright, which trade he followed in his native State till coming to Bureau County, Illinois, where he landed April 7, 1855. For four years he did carpenter work at Buda, but in the fall of 1958 he purchased his present farm and began its improvement by building a home on it, to which he removed March 15, 1860. When Mr. Crisman came to his farm he had but little capital with which to make improvements or stock his farm, but with his industry as the best possible capital he began, and success has crowned his efforts. His farm now contains 370 acres of well-improved land. Mr. Crisman had made a specialty of hog-raising, and through his diligence has place himself in the front rank as a producer.

April 19, 1848, he was married in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, to Miss Elizabeth Bowser. She was born in Bedford County, March 3, 1828. She is the daughter of John and Margaret Bowser, both natives of the same county as their daughter. In 1855 they removed to Illinois, where Mr. Bowser died, but his widow yet lives in Buda. Mrs. Crisman is the eldest of a family of seven children who reached maturity.

To Mr. and Mrs. Crisman eight children have been born, viz.: Calvin, William A., Margaret V., Mattie L. and Arthur V. (twins), Carrie A., Eunice E., and Beckie (deceased).

In politics Mr. Crisman is identified with the Republican party. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church of Buda.

Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885

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