In 1856 M. Denham engaged in business in Princeton, and the same business has been continued till the present time. In his employ were Messrs. J. J. Bamburg and A. Oppenheim, both natives of Baden, German.
In 1872 Mr. J. J. Bamburg purchased the business of M. Denham, and the same year took as partner Mr. Oppenheim, and for twelve years the firm of J. J. Bamburg & Co. have done a large and successful business as Clothiers and merchant tailors. They carry a stock of goods which will aggregate at least $25,000 in value, and have annual sales reaching $45,000 to $50,000. In the tailoring department they employ eight hands besides al the cutter, and in this department, as in all else, Thee customers are given the benefit of the proprietors’ large and judicious purchases.
Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885