Cooperstown to Crane Cemetery, Illinois

A list of all cemeteries in Illinois, first by name, county and location.  A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

For additional Illinois Cemetery Listings please visit AccessGenealogy  AHGP  ALHN  USGenWeb  USGenWeb Archives
National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database




 Cooperstown CemeteryBrownCooperstown
 Copland CemeteryMassacBandana
 Copperas CemeteryShelbyNeoga
 Coral CemeteryMcHenryMarengo South
 Corbin CemeteryKnoxWilliamsfield
 Corbins CemeteryLivingstonNorthwest Pontiac
 Cordes CemeteryWashingtonNashville
 Corley CemeteryShelbyLakewood
 Cornell CemeteryLivingstonNorthwest Pontiac
 Corns CemeteryMercerReynolds
 Cornwell CemeteryEdgarKansas
 Corr CemeteryMacoupinGillespie North
 Corrie CemeteryLawrenceLancaster
 Corss CemeteryBureauBuda NE
 Cosby CemeteryPopeShetlerville
 Cosner CemeteryHenryGerman Corner
 Cossel CemeteryColesCharleston North
 Cost CemeteryMcDonoughDoddsville
 Cothern Family CemeteryFayetteRamsey
 Cottage Hill CemeteryLeeCompton
 Cotton CemeteryGrundyGardner
 Cotton CemeteryLawrenceBirds
 Cotton CemeteryPerryAva
 Cottonwood CemeteryPeoriaHanna City
 Cottonwood CemeteryWhitesideUnion Grove
 Cottonwood Presbyterian ChurchGallatinNew Haven
 Couch MausoleumCookChicago Loop
 Council Hill CemeteryJo DaviessScales Mound West
 Country Line CemeteryBooneGarden Prairie
 County CemeteryWoodfordMetamora
 County CemeteryOgleDaysville
 County CemeteryFranklinWest Frankfort
 County CemeteryCookHarvey
 County Farm CemeteryWillPlainfield
 County Farm CemeteryWarrenKirkwood East
 County Farm CemeteryStarkWyoming
 County Farm CemeteryMorganConcord
 County Farm CemeteryMorganConcord
 County Farm CemeteryMontgomeryCoffeen
 County Farm CemeteryMcLeanBloomington West
 County Farm CemeteryHendersonOquawka
 County Farm CemeteryHancockCarthage West
 County Farm CemeteryFranklinWest Frankfort
 County Farm CemeteryBureauWyanet
 County Home CemeteryStephensonFreeport West
 County Line CemeteryJohnsonCreal Springs
 Courson CemeteryMarionOskaloosa
 Cowdry CemeteryKendallYorkville
 Cowhick CemeteryScottAlsey
 Cowsert CemeteryHardinShetlerville
 Cowsert CemeteryHardinShetlerville
 Cox CemeteryCrawfordAnnapolis
 Cox CemeteryPikeMilton
 Cox CemeteryPopeReevesville
 Cox CemeterySchuylerCamden
 Cox CemeteryVermilionDanville NW
 Coyle CemeteryBondSorento South
 Crab Orchard CemeteryWilliamsonMarion
 Crabtree CemeteryMontgomeryLitchfield
 Craig CemeteryColesCharleston North
 Craig CemeteryFayetteRamsey Lake
 Craig CemeteryMcDonoughIndustry
 Craig CemeteryMorganJacksonville
 Craig CemeteryShelbyTower Hill
 Craigtown CemeteryAdamsMarblehead
 Crain CemeteryLa SalleTroy Grove
 Crandall CemeteryLa SalleMendota East
 Crandall CemeteryMadisonMarine
 Crane CemeteryWinnebagoDurand


Cemeteries of Illinois

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