Franklin County History

The Franklin County History is an attempt to portray the origin and organization of Franklin County, Illinois; the pioneers, their modes of living, social life, their schools and churches, their roads, industries, early towns and villages; the development of the coal industry, the building of the industrial centers and the building of railroads.

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Table of Contents

  1. The geography of Franklin County
  2. Origin of Franklin County
  3. Organization
  4. Settlers and settlements
  5. Character of the early pioneers
  6. Roads
  7. Land entries
  8. Industries among the pioneers
  9. Society and manner of living
  10. Slavery in the state and county
  11. Northern and Ewing townships
  12. Barren and Goode
  13. Tyrone township
  14. Benton township
  15. Browning, Eastern and Cave
  16. Frankfort
  17. Denning and Six Mile
  18. Railroads
  19. County officials
  20. Schools
  21. Coal mines
  22. Early courts and law


Aiken, Hiram M., Franklin County history, centennial Edition; Illinois : Franklin County Centennial Committee, 1918

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