Biography of Ernest Wernick of Dixon Township

Ernest Wernick, born July 8, 1832, in Prussia, settled in Dixon Township, Lee County, Illinois, in 1848. A Civil War veteran and self-made man, he transformed his modest beginnings into a successful farming operation, now encompassing 514 acres. Ernest first married Mary Page, with whom he had three children: Henry, Anna, and Mary. After her death, he married Catherine Helfrich, and they had eight children: George, Minnie, Wesley, Oscar, Carrie, Vernon, Bert, and Stanley. A devout Lutheran and Republican, Ernest is renowned for his industrious spirit and significant contributions to the local community.

Ernest Wernick
Ernest Wernick

Ernest Wernick, one of the early settlers of Dixon Township, who since 1848 has resided in the county, now makes his home on section 19. It is with pleasure that we present to our readers the portrait and biography of a self-made man who by his own efforts has worked his way upward to a position of affluence. In many respects, his example is worthy of emulation, and in this sketch, there will be much to encourage those who, like himself, have to begin life empty-handed, depending only on their own exertions.

Mr. Wernick was born in Prussia, July 8, 1832, and came of Saxon parentage. He is a son of Andrew and Mary (Bunker) Wernick. His father was born in Saxony and served with Napoleon throughout the Prussian campaign as one of the Magdeburg Blue Hussars. He fought at the battle of Leipzig and at Waterloo and in many other engagements served with valor in the front ranks. On one occasion, he rescued the horse that was secured for Gen. Blücher, whose steed had been shot from under him. Mr. Wernick was twice wounded but did not allow himself to be captured. He was a brave and undaunted cavalryman and, with a comrade, Mr. Comstadt, who was later frozen in the mountains in the Prussian campaign, succeeded in capturing five mounted Cossacks, killing four of the number and taking their horses. In after years, accompanied by his two sons, our subject and Lewis, Mr. Wernick sailed from Bremen and after a voyage of forty-two days landed at New York City, whence he made his way to Chicago. As their money gave out, father and son walked from that city to Dixon, where a year later they were joined by the mother and other members of the family. Mrs. Wernick did not long enjoy her new home, her death occurring in 1854. Mr. Wernick died February 14, 1883, at the advanced age of ninety-five years. He possessed remarkable powers of endurance and physical strength and was never sick a day in his life while in the Fatherland. He and his wife were members of the Lutheran Church.

Our subject was yet a youth when he came to this country and in Lee County, he attained his majority. For some time he worked as a day laborer and in 1854, purchased thirty-six acres of unbroken land with money acquired by his own industry and economy. To its improvement, he devoted his energies for some time and afterward went to Grand Detour, where he engaged in teaming for the plow factory for a time. He then followed farming pursuits near Amboy for a few years, his farm work being done with oxen. In the meantime, he had wedded Mary Page, whose parents were pioneer settlers of this community. She died in 1861, leaving three children. The following year Mr. Wernick enlisted in the service of his adopted country as a member of Company F, Seventy-fifth Illinois Infantry. He wore the blue for three years, participating actively in twenty-three battles, and during the engagement at Resaca, he was wounded in the shoulder.

At the expiration of his term of service, Mr. Wernick was honorably discharged and returned to his home and his three little children. Soon afterward, he began farming, and at that time his cash capital consisted of $200. He purchased a team and then rented forty acres where he now lives. A few years later, he made a partial payment on one hundred and sixty acres and by his industry, good management, and perseverance was soon enabled to pay off all indebtedness. As his financial resources increased, he also extended the boundaries of his farm, which now comprises five hundred and fourteen acres of valuable land, well improved, highly cultivated, and stocked with fine horses and cattle. He has one of the best barns in the county and recently erected a commodious and substantial residence built in modern style and supplied with all modern conveniences. A glance at the Wernick farm indicates that the owner is a man of progressive and practical ideas and a careful manager. On another page of this volume, the reader will find a view of this attractive rural abode which is complete in all its appointments and one of the best homesteads in the county.

The children born unto Mr. Wernick by his first wife are: Henry, who wedded Ida Sheffield and resides in Lake City, Iowa; Anna, wife of George Hickman, a farmer of Sioux County, Neb.; and Mary, wife of Martin Funk, a farmer of Cass County, Iowa. Mr. Wernick was again married in New Albany, Ind., his second union being with Mrs. Catherine Helfrich, who was born in Baden, Germany, in the town of Stein, and came to this country during her girlhood, with her parents, the family settling in Forreston, Ogle County, where her father, John Rupert, is now living. He is a stone and brick mason by trade and served for three years in the late war, participating in many battles but escaped uninjured. In Ogle County, Catherine Rupert gave her hand in marriage to Jacob Helfrich who enlisted with the boys in blue in 1862. He took part in some important battles and at Chickamauga was taken prisoner. He was placed in Andersonville prison, where he died some time later in 1863. At his death, he left one son, John, who married Jennie Wooley and is now a farmer of Ogle County, Illinois.

Unto Mr. and Mrs. Wernick have been born eight children: George at home, Minnie, wife of James Howell, a farmer of Dixon Township; Wesley, Oscar, Carrie, Vernon, Bert, and Stanley, under the parental roof. The Wernick household is the abode of hospitality and the members of the family rank high in social circles. Their home is one of the best in the community and in it, their many friends delight to congregate. Mr. and Mrs. Wernick attend the Lutheran Church and he exercises his right of franchise in support of the Republican party.

Residence of Ernest Wernick
Residence of Ernest Wernick


Biographical Publishing Company, Portrait and biographical record of Lee County, Illinois, containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies of all the governors of the state, and of the presidents of the United States, Chicago: Biographical Publishing Co., 1892.

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