Biography of Henry Bollman of Nelson Township

Henry Bollman, born on March 27, 1833, in Prussia, Germany, owned and operated a successful 120-acre farm in Nelson Township, Illinois. Son of Gotlieb and Elizabeth Bollman, he moved to the United States at age fifteen, following his brother Fred. Henry initially settled in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, before moving to Illinois. He first bought land in South Dixon Township and later acquired his current farm in Nelson Township. Henry married Christina Grobe, and they had six children: Anna, Alvena, William, Henry, Gertie, and Mary. A dedicated Lutheran and Democrat, Henry was respected for his hard work and community spirit.

Henry Bollman owns one hundred and twenty acres of fine farming land on section 22, Nelson Township, and is conducting a profitable business as a general farmer. He was born in Prussia, Germany, March 27, 1833, to Gotlieb and Elizabeth Bollman, who were also natives of Prussia, and passed their entire lives there on a farm, the father dying at the age of forty-nine, when scarcely past the prime of life, and the mother was not much older when she died. They were most excellent people, true Christians and members of the Lutheran Church. Our subject is one of eight children, of whom two are living in the United States, he and his brother Fred, the latter a prosperous farmer of South Dixon Township. He came to this country ten years before Henry came, being scarcely more than a boy when he ventured to try his fortunes in a strange land.

Amid the quiet scenes of his birthplace our subject grew apace, and in the local schools conned his lessons diligently, thus securing a good practical education, and he also received a useful training in agriculture on his father’s farm. He was but fifteen years old when he determined to follow his brother Henry to the far-away country across the sea, and with a courageous spirit and the high hopes of youth, he set out on the long voyage in the good ship “Baltimore,” from which he disembarked six weeks later in the city of that name in the State of Maryland. From there he made his way to Pennsylvania, and upon his arrival in Somerset County, found he had but two dollars in money left. He, however, was nothing daunted as long as he could secure employment, and he worked for different people until he obtained a good start in life. He then came to Illinois to invest his earnings where he could get rich farming land comparatively cheap, and could profit by numerous other advantages which this region offers to a skillful, industrious farmer. He made his first purchase of realty in South Dixon Township, and while he held it made many good improvements upon it. He finally disposed of that farm at quite an advance on the cost price, and bought the farm that he now occupies in Nelson Township. He has the land under excellent tillage, the productive soil yielding abundant harvests in repayment of the care and toil expended upon it, and he raises a good class of stock. He is very comfortably situated here, keeps his place in a good condition, everything about it denoting thrifty management.

Mr. Bollman was wedded to Miss Christina Grobe in this township, and their domestic life has been productive of much real happiness, among its blessings being the six children born to them, of whom these five are still inmates of their home — Anna, Alvena, William, Henry and Gertie. Their eldest daughter, Mary, is the wife of Milt Hax. Mrs. Bollman was born in Saxon-Weimar, Germany.

Her father died when she was very young, and she afterwards came to the United States and to Illinois with her mother and four brothers, the family locating in Lee County. The mother lived to be an old lady, and died in Nelson Township. Mrs. Bollman was seventeen years old when she came to this country, and here met and married our subject a few years later. She shares with him the respect accorded to his genuine worth, and both are very much liked by their neighbors for their friendliness and readiness to help any who are suffering or needy if it is possible for them to do so. In them the Lutheran Church has two of its truest Christian members. Mr. Bollman first exercised the right of suffrage by casting his vote for James Buchanan for the Presidency, and he has ever since given the Democratic party sturdy support.


Biographical Publishing Company, Portrait and biographical record of Lee County, Illinois, containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies of all the governors of the state, and of the presidents of the United States, Chicago: Biographical Publishing Co., 1892.

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