Biography of Erastus Bancroft

Erastus Bancroft. Many intelligent families whose culture and experience are a benefit to any community in which they may be called to live, are to be found in Macoupin County. Such people are in themselves an educative force, and help to form the standard to which those less favored in the better advantages may look. Among such we are pleased to mention the household of which our subject was the representative. His father was Timothy Bancroft, who was born in Worcester, Mass., and his mother, Mary Clark, of the same city. Timothy was a farmer by occupation and died in the city of his birth. their large family of twelve children received the best advantages both social and educational, and a thorough training for life’s duties.

Erastus Bancroft was born in Worcester County, Mass., July 16, 1834. He grew to manhood on his father’s farm, and remained there until the spring of 1857. The western fever had, however, attacked the young man and he decided to emigrate to Carlinville, Ill. Here for one year he was employed at carpentry work and again in the same line for two years at Springfield. After that he returned to Carlinville and for eight years he held a contract from the Government to carry the United States mail between Carlinville and Carrollton.

In the spring of 1864 our subject made his permanent home in Polk township, and engaged in supplying wood to the railroad company. He followed that business for several years and at the same time improved his farm, and from that time carried on agricultural pursuits. He erected excellent buildings upon his farm of three hundred and thirty-five acres. His marriage, April 30, 1868, at Carlinville, united him with a lady whose loveliness of character and thorough culture made her a delightful companion and suitable helpmate. He departed this life July 22, 1891. Their wedded life was one which resulted in good to others, and happiness within the domestic circle. His wife bore the maiden name of Emeline B. Chandler, and she is a daughter of John W. and Lucinda G. (Roggers) Chandler, both natives of Wilson County, Tenn., where the father died. Mrs. Bancroft is one of three children and was born in Wilson County, Tenn., February 28, 1844. To her have been born four children; two have been taken from her arms by death, and the two who survive are: Ida C. E., born June 26, 1871, and Hattie F., May 9, 1880. Agricultural pursuits engaged all of Mr. Bancroft’s attention, although he took an earnest and intelligent interest in both politics and religion, voting the Republican ticket and being with his good wife an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.


Chapman bros. Portrait and biographical record of Macoupin county, Illinois. Chicago: Biographical publishing company, 1891.

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