Biography of Francis M. Adams

Francis M. Adams is one of the oldest native born citizens of Gillespie Township, his birth having occurred July 1,1 833, on section 20, Gillespie Township – the farm which he still makes his home. he is a representative of one of the most honored pioneer families of the community, his father, Giles M. Adams, having here located in 1829. he belongs to an old Virginian family. His grandparents, Daniel and Sarah (Stallion) Adams, were natives of the Old Dominion, from whence they removed with their family to Overton County, Ky., and thence to Tennessee. Subsequently the grandparents came to Illinois after their son Giles had here located and spent a number of years in Macoupin County. Their last days were spent in Bond County, where they died at an advanced age. By trade, Daniel Adams was a blacksmith and followed that occupation in connection with farming.

The father or our subject was born in Virginia, and when young removed with his parents to Kentucky and Tennessee. He was living in the latter State when he attained his majority and not long afterward he was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Taylor, a native of North Carolina, and a daughter of William Taylor, one of the heroes of the Revolutionary War. They came to Illinois in 1829, and located upon the farm of our subject when Macoupin County was yet in its infancy. They bore the usual experiences and hardships of pioneer life, and with the early history of the community were prominently connected. Mr. Adams secured some of his land from the Government and the old home was the scene of action during the greater part of his life. When he was well advanced in years he went to live with his son, William W. in Montgomery County, where he died at the age of sixty-eight. His wife survived him some time passing away at the age of three-score years and ten.

Our subject was the third child and second son of their five children. His entire life has been passed upon one farm. Under the sheltering roof of the old home, or in wandering through the woods or over the prairies his boyhood days were passed. Later, when he had gained sufficient strength, he was put to work at farm labor and the furrows upon many a broad acre were first turned by him. His education was acquired in the subscription schools, for public schools had not been established at that early day. He was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Grimes, who was born in this county in February, 1840, and is a daughter of William and Nancy (Wagner) Grimes, natives of Maryland, who, when young, came to Illinois where they were married. For some years Mr. Grimes followed the trade of a blacksmith, but later gave his attention to farming. he is now living a retired life in Christian County, at the age of seventy years. He is numbered among the pioneers of Macoupin County, and was one of its respected citizens. His wife died in the prime of life. Mrs. Adams is the eldest of their three children, all of whom are yet living.

By the union of our subject and his worthy wife were born six children, but four died in infancy. Mary S. is now the wife of Philip Teter, a resident of Gillespie Township; and Nancy V. is attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Adams are well-known people of this community and are held in universal esteem. In politics he is an advocate of Democratic principles but votes independently fo party ties. he was the second Supervisor of Gillespie township, and has served as Justice of the Peace and Road Commissioner, filling all the offices in an efficient manner, which has won him the commendation of all concerned. He is a member of Lodge No. 4312, Farmers’ Mutual Benefit Association, and, on joining its organization, was elected its first Vice President. In his business career, Mr. Adams has prospered and is now the owner of a valuable farm of four hundred and sixty-four acres, of which two hundred and sixty acres are under a high state of cultivation.


Chapman bros. Portrait and biographical record of Macoupin county, Illinois. Chicago: Biographical publishing company, 1891.

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