Henry Arkebauer, a successful and thrifty German of the village of Mt. Olive and doing business as a dealer in wines and liquors, is located on the corner of Main and Oak Streets, at which place he built up his house and started in business in 1878 and has since remained at this stand. He is a thorough-going business man and has made his calling a respectable one of the kind. Our subject has spent most of his life in this town and vicinity. He was born in Alton, Ill., March 1, 1852.
Mr. Arkebauer’s parents were born in Hanover, Germany. Mr. Arkebauer, Sr., was born of German parents, who lived and died in the Kingdom of Hanover and when he was a young man just of age he set out for the United States, crossing the ocean in a sailing vessel, and in 1846 landed in New Orleans. Thence he went up the Mississippi River to St. Louis and from that point to Alton, where he was married to Miss Anna G. Gusthouse, who was a native of the same province as was her husband. She was the only member of her family who ventured to the United States, coming here in the ‘40s when quite young.
After their marriage our subject’s parents moved to Jerseyville, where the mother died in 1852, being then still quite young, only twenty-two years of age. She left two children – he of whom we write and a brother J.H., who died in 1851 while still a child. The husband was a second time married, his choice being Miss Anna C. Shaupff, a German lady who resided in Jerseyville. There she died about a year later, in 1854, while yet a young woman. She left one child who is now Mrs. Mary Schutt of Ramsey, Ill. Mr. Arkebauer, Sr., died in 1858 at Jerseyville, being then only thirty-two or three years of age.
The original of our sketch when six years of age having lost his mother and step-mother was brought to Mt. Olive township, this county, and reared by kinsmen until he was fourteen years of age, when he set out on his own account and since that time has made his own livelihood. He was married in Montgomery County O Miss Minnie Milier, who was born in Madison County, but was reared for the most part in Montgomery County, where he parents now live and are engaged as farmers, being now aged respectively sixty-eight and fifty-four years. They were formerly members of the Lutheran Church but are now communicants of the Baptist faith. Our subject and his wife attend the Lutheran Church and are prominent young people who stand well in society at this place. Mr. Arkebauer is an active member of the Republican party. Our subject and his wife are the parents of two children – George B. and Annie G.