Biography of Wiley Ballard

Wiley Ballard. The well-cultivated farm of one hundred and seventy acres which is part of section 27, North Otter Township, is owned by him of whom we write. Mr. Ballard is a Southerner by birth, his father being Lewis Ballard, who was a North Carolinian. His mother was Lucy (Pace) Ballard a native of Georgia. They were, however, among the early settlers of Greene county, where they both died. Our subject was born near Whitehall, Greene County, December 27, 1833.

The father of our subject was a farmer and on his place the son was reared and remained until he had reached manhood. His life was not unlike that of other farmer boys. He attended school in the winters and helped with the farm work in the summer season. Early in life he was attracted to a lady of his own county and they were married in Greene County, this State, March 15, 1857. Mrs. Ballard’s maiden name was Rebecca E. Brodmarkle. She was a daughter of John and Ellen (Bell) Brodmarkle, natives of Maryland. Her parents, however, were early settlers in Greene County and there they died.

Mrs. Ballard was born in Allegany County, Me., December 14, 1831. In the spring of 1857 she came with her family to Macoupin County and in the fall of 1858 settled on the farm where they now live. Our subject has always been a farmer and is much interested in all the branches of agricultural pursuits. For thirty-eight seasons he ran a threshing machine. The family occupy a fine large house which Mr. Ballard erected upon his place at a large cost. It is well located, commanding a charming view of the surrounding country and is as convenient and pleasant as intelligent arrangement and taste can make it. A view of this beautiful country home is presented on another page.

Mr. and Mrs. Ballard are the parents of three children. The eldest child, John H., died when six and a half years old; Mary E. became the wife of Robert Alford, and the youngest son, Charles W., is a student in Brown’s Business College of Jacksonville; he is a bright young man and the expectations of his friends are that he will be a central figure, by virtue of his ability and adherence to the course of work he has adopted, in whatever circle he casts his lot.

The original of this sketch favors the economic principles and theories held by the Republican party and casts his vote with them. Although a quiet, unpretentious man, and having no desire for the emoluments of office, the township has recognized his judgment and worth by electing him to the important post of School Director. Mr. Ballard’s farm is a model of neatness, showing the most painstaking care of every detail in farm life. He has good buildings which are kept in fine repair and the implements on his farm are those having the latest improvements.


Chapman bros. Portrait and biographical record of Macoupin county, Illinois. Chicago: Biographical publishing company, 1891.

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