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General Rodman’s Plans

…and extensive manufacturing depot, it was found necessary to buy out the interests of the private parties and of the railroad company. A commission consisting of General J. M. Scofield, Selden M. Church and James Barnes, was appointed to appraise the lands on the island owned by individuals. An act of Congress, approved June 27, 1866, appropriated the money necessary to buy out their claims, authorized the relocation of the railroad bridge, and provided for compensating the railroad company for changing its route across the island. The same act made an appropriation to begin work on the development of the…

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Permanent Pioneer Settlements Of Illinois

…the springtime was full of water. The fort was barely completed when there arrived one Renault, a representative of the Company of the West (a creation of the famous John Law), the director general of the mining operations of that concern which were designed to re-enforce the uncertain finances of France. He had left France in the spring of 1719 with two hundred miners, laborers and a full complement of mining utensils. Among his force were also several hundred St. Domingo negroes, whom he had bought on his way to Louisiana to work the mines and plantations of the province….

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First Baptist Church

…the city has been proud, and who have given character and helpfulness to the entire community. The largest membership at any time was September 23, 1906, when the total reached four hundred. The church is entirely free of debt, and all departments of the work are in active and successful operation. The property is carefully kept by a board of five trustees, and is all in first class condition. The organization is in a thoroughly prosperous condition, and is doing an aggressive work in the evangelization and Christian teaching of the community. Harry W. Reed, Doctor of Philosophy, has been…

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Sacred Heart Belgian Catholic Church, Moline

…is upward of three hundred families. In September, 1907, there was opened in connection with the church, a parochial school, numbering at present two hundred and sixty pupils. This school follows the public school program in all its grades and is free to children of all denominations. The congregation possesses at present a church and school edifice, a parsonage, and a residence for the Sisters conducting the school. The present pastor is Reverend J. B. Ceulemans, residence 1304 Sixteenth Avenue, Moline, Illinois. Churches of Rock Island County Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908…

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The United Presbyterian Church

…the corner of Fifth Avenue and Eleventh Street, where it yet stands, doing service for the German Presbyterians first, and now for the Swedish Free Evangelical Church. The building was entered the first Sabbath of January, 1855. The pulpit furniture was not upholstered, for the Reverend J. R. McCallister’s pulpit sofa was a nail keg with a board across it, while the pulpit itself was a dry goods box. The pews were planks laid across nail kegs or boxes. The lights were plain tallow candles. Most of the work on the building was done by the members, under the direction…

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Drury Township, Illinois

…Jacob A. Seiver, William Huff, I., B. Elijah and James Essex, Matthew and Jeremiah LeQuatte, William Womacks, Solomon Simpson, Anthony Ricketts, John Ballard, John Harbaugh, James McPherson, Harry Hampton, S. Prentiss, William Hays, John Boruff, Joseph and Antoine Blair, L. V. Reed and M. H. Johnson. The settlers who came to this country in the thirties and the early forties to carve homes for themselves and families found they had undertaken no light and easy task. They had many difficulties to overcome, many hardships to endure. They indeed lived the “simple life,” in rude log cabins and with few comforts,…

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Giles M Adams

Biography of Giles M. Adams

…our subject emigrated to Illinois with his wife and the children who had been born to them in Tennessee, making the journey Northward with teams. He first stopped in Madison County for a time, but in 1830 came to this county. At that time there was but few white settlers here, and deer, wolves and other kinds of wild animals were very numerous. He entered Government land near Dorchester, and for nearly five years lived in the log house that he built there. At the expiration of that time he sold his place, and coming to what is now Brushy…

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Moline Health Department

with an efficient and competent force of men. The first order issued was for sobriety, as follows: To the employees of the health department: You are hereby notified not to frequent saloons during working hours; all employees found in saloons during working hours will be immediately discharged. By order of the health department. R. C. J. Meyer, M. D., chairman. The ordinance requires the health commissioner to set aside one hour each day during which time he may hear complaints, and transact other business in connection with the office. The hour from 2 P. M. to 3 P. M. was…

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Official Documents

commission, composed of Major F. D. Callander, Major C. P. Kingsbury and Captain F. J. Treadwell, was sent by the Ordnance Department to locate the proposed Arsenal building on Rock Island. Sites also for magazines on the island were recommended by the commission. The report was adopted and Major Kingsbury was ordered to take charge of the work of construction. He arrived in August, 1863, and on the 3d day of September broke ground for the government building at the lower end of the island. From an article prepared by Captain L. M. Haverstick, and published in the Chicago Inter-Ocean…

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Pioneer Days On The Mississippi By S. W. Mc Master

…he was in command of the Dr. Franklin with Captain Russell Blakely, my old-time friend, as clerk. The Franklin was the first boat belonging to the Galena and Minnesota Packet Company. Most of the stockholders in this company were Galenans. This steamer, the Franklin, was the nucleus from which grew the fleet of the Galena and St. Paul Packet Company, the first organized steam-boat company on the upper Mississippi, which in after years became one of the most powerful. companies on the great river, bringing out from year to year as the trade increased, many new and finely built boats….

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