Coal Valley is well supplied with churches. The Welsh Baptist Church was organized in 1866, under the supervision of Reverend T. M. Matthews, remaining its pastor until 1870. In 1867 the Presbyterian Church was organized, with John Barton, Albert Owens, Frederic Freeburg, Hugh Caughey and Robert Lee as trustees; the membership numbering twenty-five members. A church was built the same year, costing $2,500. The Primitive Methodists were organized in 1868, a church being erected the following year, costing $2,000. Their first preacher was Reverend Charles Dawson, who came from Kewanee once a month. It was some time before they had a regular resident minister. The Welsh Congregational Church was organized in 1857 by the Reverend John L. Richards, with a membership of fifteen. Meetings being first held at the home of Mrs. Sarah Williams. In the year 1862 a house of worship, costing $1,000. was built. The Roman Catholic residents, prior to 1875, were connected with the Rock Island mission. In 1870 they build a church, costing $2,000, which was formerly opened for worship by Reverend John P. Roles, who supervised the building of the church, which is in a flourishing condition.
Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908