In the Summer of 1903, the Reverend W. A. Elliott (under the auspices of the Congregational Sunday School Society, directed by Reverend W. F. McMillan, secretary), entered East Moline and succeeded in organizing a school. Although difficult, it has proven beneficial to the community, and has been well attended, especially by the young. In December, 1903, under direction of the First Congregational Church of Moline, the Reverend Frank Hoover, state evangelist of the Congregational Home Missionary Society of Illinois, held a series of evangelical services, assisted by Reverend W. W. Willard of the First Congregational Church of Moline, and Reverend J. W. Davies of Creston, Illinois; meetings being held in the John Deere School buildings. As a result the names of twenty-five people were received for membership. Organization was perfected January 15, 1904, and incorporation February 28, 1905. The council unanimously voted to recognize the Plymouth Congregational Church of East Moline, Illinois. An unusually pleasant evening of song service, scriptural reading and hand of fellowship was indulged in, followed by an exceedingly fine sermon by Doctor A. M. Brodie, of Chicago, closing with prayer and benediction. Reverend J. W. Davies was the first ordained pastor, followed by the Reverend Henry Harris of Chicago, whose strong efforts and skill as an organizer and builder, with the assistance of the Reverend Paul Brown, the regular pastor, and his congregation succeeded in erecting a fine church of concrete blocks. Reverend Walter H. North is the present pastor.
Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908