St. Paul’s (Belgian) Catholic Church.

St. Paul’s Church, located on Twenty-fourth Street and Eighth and a half Avenue, was opened for services for the first time on February 5, 1905. On that occasion the choir rendered beautiful music and the pastor, Reverend J. B. Ceulemans, delivered the sermon, in which he spoke of the many previous attempts which were made to organize a parish in which the Belgian Catholics of Rock Island could worship together in a congregation all of their own people. Although their place of worship is very modest, it is quite attractive inside. The Reverend J. B. Ceulemans was born in Belgium, where he was educated and ordained a priest. In 1907 Father Ceulemans took charge of Sacred Heart Church in Moline, and left Rock Island. He was succeeded by another priest from Belgium, Father Leon E. VanStoppen. This is the present pastor, and who built the parsonage house, which is a fine improvement to the church property.

Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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