One of our most interesting societies is that of the Eagles. The Far West has the distinction of the origin of The Fraternal Order of Eagles. Its principles of liberty, truth, justice and equality, appeal to the most conservative people of the country. The benefits to the member are: a physician to himself and family free of charge, one dollar a day sick benefit for sixteen weeks, and one hundred dollars in case of death. Rock. Island Aeria, No. 956, Fraternal Order of Eagles, was instituted January 15, 1905, at the Rock Island Turner Hall. Its charter list was composed of one hundred and thirty-one members. Oloff Banker was its first president; A. D. Huesing, vice-president; J. F. Dindinger, secretary and, E. V. Ramser, treasurer. It is financially strong, although having expended a large sum for benefits and other purposes. Its present membership (September, 1908) is four hundred and forty-six. This association last Spring purchased the Murrin homestead on the south-west corner of Fourth Avenue and Twenty-first Street; a splendid location for the home, where they contemplate building; including lodge room, club room, reading rooms, and the necessary accessories.
Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908