Biography of Benjamin Barrett of Westfield, Illinois

Benjamin Barrett, deceased, was born March 12, 1800, in Jonesboro, County Aramah, Ireland. He died August 6, 1879, in this county, where he had spent the best part of his life and labored faithfully for his family and for all things pertaining to the interest of the community, especially in the support of churches and schools. His parents were George and Mary Barrett.

He was married April 18, 1834, to Elizabeth Barrett, born November 14, 1814, in Jonesboro, Ireland, where her parents, William and Jane (O Neil) Barrett died. Soon after Mr. Barrett was married he removed to Belmont County, Ohio.

In 1847 he removed to LaSalle, Ill., and in September, 1856, came to Westfield, Bureau County, Ill., where he bought a farm which he improved and on which he died. Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett survives her husband and is living on the old homestead. She is the mother of nine children, viz.: Mrs. Mary A. Nelson; William of Mendota; Ann J.; Mrs. Elizabeth Holbrook; Joseph, of Wyanet; Robert , of Dakota; Mrs. Fannie Butler; James M., of Fort Wayne, and Mrs. Mattie Gill of this county. Of these Fannie is the wife of William H. Butler, a native of Madison County, N. Y. They married October 1, 1878, and are the parents of Nettie E. and Jessie M. Butler. Religiously, Mrs. Barrett is connected with the Protestant Episcopal Church, as was also her husband.

Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885

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