Biography of Elisha Allen of Lamoille, Illinois

Elisha Allen, Lamoille, is a native of Warren County, N.J., where he was born October 1818. His parents, James and Sarah (Groff) Allen, were natives of New Jersey, where they died. The mother was of German extraction and grandfather Allen was also of German descent. Our subject was reared in his Native State, where he followed farming till he came to the West, which was March, 1871. He bought a farm two miles northeast of Princeton, Bureau Co., Ill. which he sold in 1876 and then bought a farm of 124 acres in Lamoille Township, where he now resides. Mr. Allen was married October 3, 1840, in New Jersey, to Elisabeth Lake, who was born January 18, 1820, in the above state. She was a daughter of John and Sarah (Pettie) Lake, who were natives of New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Allen are the parents of the following children: John, a resident of New Jersey; Sarah F. and Lydia are deceased; Mrs. Mary C. Norton, of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho; Jane, deceased; James A., of Iowa; Imla L.; Mrs. Rebecca S. Trimmer, of Kansas; William M., Mancious H. and Adeline. Mrs. Allen is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Allen is identified with the Democratic Party.

Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885

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