Biography of Joseph Allen of Clarion, Illinois

Joseph Allen, Clarion, who is the subject of the following biography, was born May 21, 1813, in Hampshire County, Mass. His parents, Samuel and Elizabeth (Davis) Allen, were both natives of Massachusetts, where they died. They reared a family of three boys and three girls, viz.; Persis, Sally, Lucy, Davenport, Joseph and David. Of these, only Mrs. Lucy Rodes, David and Joseph Allen are yet living.

The Allen family in America is of English extraction and were prominent among the pioneers of New England. Our subject was reared and educated in his native State, where he farmed till April 1836, when he emigrated and came to Bureau County, Ill. After one year’s residence west of Princeton, he came to Lamoille Township, and made a claim on Section 18, consisting of 120 acres which he bought as soon as the land came into market. Owing to his untiring perseverance and industry, Mr. Allen was enabled to buy more land, and at present owns 600 acres in his homestead, 160 acres in the northwest part of the county and 200 acres in Ford County, besides other securities.

He has been a successful farmer and stockman and a self-made man in every respect. And today, in the evening of his life, surrounded by many friends who know him to respect and revere him, we are glad to place him among our wealthiest citizens of Bureau County.

Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885

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