Biography of Rufus Carey of Princeton, Illinois

Of the public men in Bureau County who deserve mention in this work, and who have acquitted themselves honorably and creditably while in office, we are glad to note him whose name heads this sketch. Rufus Carey was born March 14, 1813, in Enfield, Mass. He died August 7, 1873, in Princeton. His parents were Thomas and Sarah (Packard) Carey.

Rufus Carey was reared and educated in Massachusetts. In 1835 he came to Bureau County and settled in Wyanet Township, where the County Poor Farm now is. He lived in the country till 1854, when he removed to Princeton, where his widow yet resides.

In 1853 he was elected Treasurer of Bureau County, and for four years held that position to the great satisfaction of the people. After serving four years as Treasurer, Mr. Carey served two years as Deputy Treasurer. He was one of the four prominent men who started the Carey, Olds & Co. Bank of Princeton, Ill., and was connected with it for two years.

Mr. Carey was married April 26, 1837, in Chicopee, Mass., to Miss Mary K. Ferry, who was born February 9, 1814, in Granby, Mass. Her father, Abner Ferry, was born November 4, 1777, in Granby, Mass., where he died March 14, 1828.

He was a farmer by occupation, as was also his father, Noah Ferry, who was one of the first settlers in Granby. Her mother, Rosanna (Smith) Ferry, was born October 25, 1783, in Connecticut. She died June 7, 1867, in Bureau County. She was the mother of the following children; Aaron D., Zenus S., William M., Mary K., Hannah E., Amelia R. and Rebecca S. Mrs. Mary K. Carey is the mother of four children, viz.: Francis, was born August 15, 1840 (he is now a resident of Chicago); Eliza F. was born October 24, 1842 (she died September 1, 1844); Amelia L., was born March 23, 1848 (she died July 9, 1869), and Warren, who was born December 13, 1849 (he is at present a physician in LaGrange, Ill.). He married Fannie Crawford; they have four children, viz.: Edward F., Amelia L., Mary E. and Alice.

Mrs. Carey is religiously connected with the Congregational Church.

Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885

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