Thomas Aughey, Lamoille, was born in County Meath, Ireland, in 1835. He is a son of Christopher and Bridget (Wood) Aughey, both natives of Ireland, and now residents of Ohio Township, in this County. They are the parents of the following children; Mrs. Mary Gould, of Oxford, Iowa, Thomas Aughey, Mrs. Bridget McGuire, and Jane Aughey.
Our subject came to the United States with his parents in the fall of 1847. He landed in New Orleans, and the next spring came to Bureau County, Ill., where his parents first settled west of Dennis Driscoll. In Lamoille Township Mr. Aughey now owns a farm of 240 acres, most of which was improved by himself. He was married here to Jane Finley, who is the mother of Thomas, Henry C., Edmond, Blanche, and Henrietta Aughey. Mr. and Mrs. Aughey are members of the Catholic Church. Politically, he is identified with the Democratic Party.
Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885