Bureau County

History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Cyrus Colton of Wyanet, Illinois

Cyrus Colton, Wyanet, was born January 13, 1814, in St. Lawrence County, N. Y. His father, Jonathan S. Colton, was born July 3, 1781, in Bolton, Conn.; he died here December 11, 1854. For a number of years he lived in the State of New York. In the fall of 1835 he came to Bureau County. He served for a short time in the war of 1812. The mother of our subject was Betsey (Donaldson) Colton; she was born February 20, 1784, in Monson, Mass. She died October 4, 1846, in this county. She was married November 15, 1803, in […]

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Orin T. Collins of Westfield, Illinois

Orin T. Collins, Westfield, was born January 3, 1823, in Hartford, Conn. His great-grandfather came from Scotland. The latter’s son, Simeon, was born in Connecticut, where he was a farmer and died. He was the father of six children: Silas, Jonathan, Isaac, Alvin, Simeon and Mrs. Prudence Deer. Of these Isaac Collins was a blacksmith. He married Sophia Treat. They were natives of Connecticut, where they died. They were the parents of five children: Sophia, Orin T., Emily, Lovinia and Lydia A. Of these only Orin T. survives. He was reared and educated in his native State, where he was

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Rev. John Cole of Greenville, Illinois

Rev. John Cole, Greenville, was born in Cumberland County, Kentucky, January 9, 1812. He is the son of Samuel and Mary (Brown) Cole. Samuel Cole was born January 23, 1778. He was married to Mary Brown December 6, 1798; she was born January 5, 1779, and died November 11, 1851. They were the parents of ten children, of whom the following are now living: Benjamin, who was born June 17, 1809, and now resides in Kansas; John, of Bureau County; Nancy, born October 24, 1816, now in Texas, and David, born April 22, 1823, now of Clay County, Ill. Sampson

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of F. Colby of Indiantown, Illinois

The genealogy of the Colby family is as follows: Its progenitor in America, as far as known, was Isaac Colby, who lived in old Amesbury, Mass. He was a farmer by occupation and the father of the following children: John, Eliphalet, Isaac, Nehemiah, Richard and Elizabeth. Of these, Eliphalet Colby was the great-grandfather of our subject. He married Polly Rodgers, who is a direct descendant of Rev. John Rodgers, a Protestant minister, who was burned at the stake February 14, 1554, at Smithfield, England, at the instigation of Queen Mary, the Catholic Regent. Rev. John Rodgers assisted Tyndale in the

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of N. P. Colberg of Princeton, Illinois

N. P. Colberg, Princeton, was born March 31, 1842, in the town of Cimbritshauen, County of Christanstod, and State of Skone, Sweden. He is the son of Olof and Cecelia Colberg. The father was a gardener by profession and died in the old country; the mother is yet living there. She is the mother of seven children, of whom N. P. is the youngest. Our subject was educated in his native country. For five years he attended the garden schools and learned the profession of gardener, and for seven years followed his profession in his native State, and then went

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of J. Harvey Coddington of Dover, Illinois

James Coddington, father of the above named gentleman, was born January 25, 1798, in Allegheny County, Md. He was reared on a farm, but after starting in life for himself engaged in teaching and surveying. Much of his early life was spent in hunting, and in that way he gained an acquaintance with the mountains and passes, which was of great value to him when engaged in surveying for the National Turnpike and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. In the spring of 1831 he came to Bureau County, but soon afterward returned to Maryland, where he remained till 1833, when

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Henry C. Coddington of Dover, Illinois

Henry C. Coddington, Dover, the son of James Coddington (see sketch of J. H.), was born in the old log-cabin on his present farm August 14, 1850, and has always lived on the old homestead, which he now owns. He has always given his attention to farming, and now has 200 acres of land. He was married December 22, 1875, to Mary A. Pierce, born in East Pawpaw Grove, Lee Co., Ill., in 1850. She is the daughter of Charles and Catherine (Sine) Pierce, natives of Luzerne County, Pa., but now residing at Pawpaw Grove, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Coddington

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Gilbert Clement of Lamoille, Illinois

Gilbert Clement, Lamoille, who is the subject of this biography, was born June 17, 1815, in Danville, Caledonia Co., Vt. He is one of our few early settlers who came here when this county was a mere wilderness. He was here as early as 1836. His parents, Merrill and Hannah (Morrill) Clement, were natives of New Hampshire, where the former died. The latter died in Hardin County, Ohio. She was an aunt of Taddeus Stevens, the statesman and anti-slaveryman. Our subject is the youngest of a family of eleven children, of whom he and his sister, Mrs. Lydia Hatch, are

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Adam Cleer of Westfield, Illinois

Adam Cleer, Westfield, was born July 31, 1830, in Merkenfritz, Hessen Darmstadt, Germany. His parents, Henry and Anna Mary (Lerch) Cleer, were also natives of Germany, where the father died in 1850. Mrs. Cleer came to America with her family in June 1854, and died in Peru. Ill., the following September; She was the mother of four children, viz; Mrs. Margaret Straw, deceased; Adam, our subject; Mrs. Mary Weber, and Henry, who was killed on the plains, while on his way to California. Adam Cleer came to Bureau County in 1854, and bought 151 ½ acres in Hall Township, of

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of James T. Clark of Bureau County, Illinois

family. After the father’s death, the widow and her children remained on the home farm and tried to make a living, but with little success. The mother survived until 1876, and died at Cheyenne, W. T. As a poor farmer boy, James T. Clark was not much of a success, and, as he told his mother, he was not cut out to be a farmer. To her query as to what he was cut out for, he replied he did not know; but when the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad was being built through Bureau County, the question was answered.

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Major Atherton Clark of Princeton, Illinois

Atherton Clark, Princeton, was born near Dover, Ill., September 22, 1839. September 11, 1861, he enlisted in Company K, Ninth Illinois Cavalry, and served with honor till the close of the war. He was in many severe engagements, among which were those of Nashville and Franklin, Tenn., and Tupelo, Miss. He was successively promoted from Sergeant of his company, until at the close of the war he was a Major of his regiment. In 1868 he was elected Sheriff of Bureau County, and after the expiration of that term of office he engaged in farming. In 1882 he was appointed

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Seth C. Clapp of Princeton, Illinois

Seth C Clapp. deceased, was a native of Northampton, Mass., where he was born in 1812; he died May 1, 1871, in Bureau County, Ill., to which he came in 1835. Here he was a tiller of the soil and highly respected for his many good qualities of head and heart. Mr. Clapp was married twice. His first wife was Asenath Hitchock, a native of Massachusetts; she died November 1851, in Princeton, Ill. His second wife was Mrs. Amelia R. Steel, who survives him. She was the widow of the Rev. Calvin Steel, who was born in 1812, in Vermont;

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of John Clapp of Lamoille, Illinois

This old pioneer was born October 1, 1814, in Northampton, Mass. He came to Bureau County in 1834, accompanied by his brother-in-law, Caleb Cook, and settled in Princeton. In 1837 he was married to Lucy M. Smith, a daughter of James Smith, another old settler of Bureau County. In 1838 John Clapp removed to Lamoille Township, where he bought 160 acres of land at $1.25 per acre. This he improved and resided on it till his death, which occurred November 22, 1880. Mr. and Mrs. Clapp were active members of the Congregational Church at Lamoille, of which he was a

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Horatio Churchill of Buda, Illinois

Horatio Churchill, Buda, was born in Somerset County, Me., April 1, 1843. He is the son of Asa and Mary (Holden) Churchill, both natives of the same State as their son. The father died in Maine, but the mother in Michigan. They were the parents of thirteen children, all of whom, except three, are now living. Our subject was reared on a farm, but had also worked in saw-mills previous to coming to this State. He came to Bureau County, Ill., in 1867. He was married September 8, 1881, to Miss Mary A. Hodgetts. She was born in Dudley, England,

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Jacob Christzman of Princeton, Illinois

J. Christzman, Princeton, was born November 7, 1833, in Harrisburg, Penn. He is the son of Henry and Margaret (Zigler) Christzman. The father was born in Gettysburg, Penn., and the mother was also a native of the same State. She was the daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Zigler. The Zigler family was one of the early families of Pennsylvania. Of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chritzman’s family six are now living, viz.; Mrs. Maria Bigler, Mrs. Charlotte Black, Jacob, Christian, Harry and George. The subject of this sketch was educated in his native city, and in early life worked in a

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Rodolphus Childs of Dover, Illinois

Rodolphus Childs, Dover, was born in Deerfield, Mass., October 23, 1815. He is the son of Erastus and Mercy (Hawks) Childs, who were born in the same village as their son and lived there until death. Our subject was one of seven children. He remained on his father’s farm until 1836, when he came to Bureau County, arriving here the day he was twenty-one. He came in company with Elijah Smith, for whom he worked the first year. In 1842 he began the improvement of his present farm of 200 acres, 160 of which he entered from the Government, forty

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of O. E. Chapman of Walnut, Illinois

O. E. Chapman, Walnut, was born in Medina County, Ohio, March 27, 1832. His ancestors were of the old New England stock having come to this country at least before 1760. His father, Sceva Chapman, was a native of Cavendish, Vt., born February 10, 1793; he was a soldier in the war of 1812; his wife, Azuba Marsh, was born in Wilmington, Vt., October 7, 1802. At an early date they immigrated to Ohio, going down Lake Erie before there were any steamboats on the lakes. Sceva Chapman died in Medina County, Ohio, in January, 1881; his widow still resides

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Oliver Chaddock of Malden, Illinois

Oliver Chaddock, Lamoille, was born February 15, 1852, in Belmont County, Ohio. He is a son of Richard and Eliza (Nicholson) Chaddock, natives of Baltimore, Maryland. They came to Illinois in 1864 and settled in Lamoille Township, Bureau County, but at present reside in Malden. They are the parents of twelve children, who all had families and are all living except two. Our subject received his education in Lamoille, where he now resides. He has made farming his main business and still owns 495 acres of land. In 1878 he clerked in a store in Lamoille and then bought an

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of William Catherman of Walnut, Illinois

William Catherman, Walnut, was born July 22, 1847, in Union County, Pennsylvania. His parents, Robert and Elizabeth (Boney) Catherman, were natives of the same state as their son. They were the parents of thirteen children, viz.: Christine, wife of John Draper, of Cass County, Michigan; Laura, deceased; Louisa, wife of Henry Wood, of Erie County, Ohio; Montgomery, married to Alinda Glenn, resides of Erie County, Ohio; Eliza, wife of Andy Smith of Winamac, Indiana; Albert, of Cass county, Michigan, married to Laura Hay; William, of Bureau County; Isabelle, wife of Amos Smith, of Cass County, Michigan; Mary, wife of David

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of George Castendyck of Hall, Illinois

George Castendyck, Hall, was born September 3, 1824, in Werdorf, Coblenz Rhein, Prussia. His parents, Frederick and Louise (Hofmann) Castendyck, were natives of Germany, where they lived until death. The father was a high government officer. They had eight children, of whom two, Louis and George, came to United States in June 1849. George Castendyck had been a soldier in the Prussian Army, and was preparing to enter the government employ. When they first came to this country they lived in Erie, Penn., till July, 1851. They then came to Hall Township, Bureau County, Ill., and bought 160 acres of

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Peter J. Cassidy of Westfield, Illinois

Peter J. Cassidy, Westfield, was born August 4, 1845, in North Gore, Canada West, to which place his grandparents, Peter and Margaret Cassidy, came at an early day. They were natives of Ireland and soon became successful farmers in Canada. In the fall of 1847 they came to Bureau County, Ill., where they bought and entered thirteen eighties of land, a part of which were Mexican war claims. All the land was in Westfield Township. They became quite well-to-do farmers and eventually removed to Ottawa, LaSalle County, where both died. They reared a family of nine children: Philip, Patrick, Margaret,

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of John R. Cass of Lamoille Township, Illinois

John R. Cass, deceased, was born March 31, 1833, in Richmond, N. H. He was a son of Ono and Sarah (Holbrook) Cass, natives of New Hampshire. The former was a farmer and died in Jackson, Michigan; the latter is yet living in Princeton; her name now is Mrs. King. She is the mother of two boys; Isaac H. and John R. Cass, who were reared in Michigan. They came to Bureau County, Ill., about 1851, and first farmed in Lamoille Township. They afterward bought land in Berlin Township, where our subject was married. He afterward bought land in Lamoille

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Jacob S. Carper of Macon, Illinois

Jacob S. Carper, Macon, was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, April 12, 1834. He is the son of John and Catherine Carper. They came to Bureau County in 1854, and settled at Walnut Grove, and died there, he in April, 1875, she in October, 1857. They were born in Bedford County, Penn. and had resided there till coming to this county. They had a family of six sons and two daughters, who survive them. He is brother of Adam Carper of Macon, Illinois. In April, 1851, our subject came to Illinois, but lived in Fulton County until 1857, when he

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Biography of Adam Carper of Macon, Illinois

Adam Carper, Macon, was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, January 19, 1837. He is the son of John and Catherine (Smith) Carper, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania, but came to Bureau County in November, 1854, and died here. The mother died October 23, 1857, at the age of forty-four years. The father was born June 19, 1807, and died April 16, 1875. Of their children, six sons and two daughters yet survive them, and are residents of this county. He is brother of Jacob S. Carper of Macon, Illinois. Our subject came to this county with his parents,

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Luther F. Carpenter of Indiantown, Illinois

Luther F. Carpenter, Indiantown, was born December 3, 1819, in Bristol, R. I. At an early age he was taken to Rehoboth, Mass. by his parents. His father, Abiah Carpenter, was born in Rehoboth, Mass., where he died. He was Captain of a band of musicians in the war of 1812. The grandfather of our subject, Abiah Carpenter, Sr., was also a native of Massachusetts, where he died. The mother of our subject, Rosina Goff, was born in Rehoboth, Mass., where she yet resides. She is a daughter of Levi Goff, and is the mother of nine children, viz.: Cyrel,

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