Biography of George L. Klostermann of Palmyra Township

George L. Klostermann, born on March 29, 1845, in Java, Germany, was a prosperous farmer in Palmyra Township, Illinois. His father, Ernest F. Klostermann, emigrated from Saxony, Germany, in 1845, overcoming many hardships to establish the family in Lee County. George married Rebecca Lamcken, and they had five surviving children. Active in the Lutheran Church and a Prohibitionist in politics, George was known for his well-maintained 160-acre farm. The Klostermann family’s legacy reflects the industrious and resilient spirit of early settlers in the region.

George L. Klostermann, a well-to-do farmer residing on section 18, Palmyra Township, is a worthy representative of one of the pioneer families of Lee County. His father, Ernest F. Klostermann, came to Illinois in 1845 and settled in this township. He was a native of Saxony, Germany, and came of a good family; in fact, royal blood flowed in his veins. He was highly educated and when a young man started to make a tour through Germany. During his travels, he married Miss Alma Klostermann, who was below him in social station and for this reason he was ostracized by his family. He then went to Oldenburg and there began life anew with his young bride who proved a true helpmate and faithful companion to him. Some years later, with their children, they sailed from Bremen to America, reaching New York City after a voyage of six weeks. Thence they came to Dixon, Ill., and the family has since made Lee County their home. Mr. Klostermann was then in limited circumstances and they had to endure many of the hardships and privations of pioneer life. For a number of years before they got a foothold, they lived in a log cabin, but at length the father, as the result of his ceaseless activity and industry, was enabled to purchase a tract of land in Palmyra Township—the same on which our subject now resides. It continued to be the home of himself and wife until they were called to their final rest. The mother died in 1885, at the age of seventy years and Mr. Klostermann passed away April 25, 1890, at the advanced age of eighty-four years. They were members of the Lutheran Church and were good Christian people. Mr. Klostermann was quite prominent in this community and was a well-read and well-informed man. In politics he was a supporter of Republican principles. Of the family, three sons and a daughter are yet living, but one child died in Germany and two after coming to this country. The daughter, Mrs. Henry Miller, is represented elsewhere in this work; Fred is a stock-dealer of Sterling; and Henry is a successful barber of Tipton, Iowa.

George L. Klostermann was born in Java, Germany, March 29, 1845, and was therefore only six months old when his parents crossed the Atlantic to America. Practically, his entire life has been passed in this county. Under the parental roof, he was reared to manhood and his education was acquired in the public schools. After attaining to mature years, he chose as a companion on life’s journey Miss Rebecca Lamcken, the wedding ceremony being performed in Prairieville. The lady was born in Blumenthal, Germany, April 2, 1848, and is a daughter of John and Katie (Faler) Lamcken, natives of Hanover, Germany. In early life, her father was engaged as manager of a sugar refinery in London. He afterwards returned to Oldenburg, where he married Miss Faler, who was his second wife. She survived her marriage some fifteen years and died at the age of forty-eight in the faith of the Lutheran Church, of which she was a member. Some years later, Mr. Lamcken departed this life near Bremen, at the age of seventy years. He was a prominent and successful farmer and was a leading member of the Lutheran Church. Mrs. Klostermann, with her two brothers and two sisters, came to the United States in 1866, locating in Lee County. Her brothers, George and Henry, are now resident farmers of Grundy County, Iowa; one sister is now deceased; and the other returned to the Fatherland.

Mrs. Klostermann was liberally educated in Germany and in addition to her literary studies, attended a cooking school in Oldenburg. By her marriage, she has become the mother of seven children but lost two, Fred and Harry. The living are Ernest H., Julia F., Edward W., Herbert L., and Nellie A., all yet at home. The children have been provided with good educational advantages and Miss Julia has attained an enviable reputation as a successful school teacher. Mr. Klostermann, his wife, and children are members of the Lutheran Church and in political sentiment, he is a Prohibitionist.

The home of this family is situated on section 18, Palmyra Township, where our subject owns one hundred and sixty acres of highly improved land that constitutes one of the best farms in the community. A comfortable and substantial residence and good outbuildings are among the improvements and the place is well stocked with high grades of horses and cattle. In fact, it is complete in all its appointments and Mr. Klostermann is regarded as a model farmer. He has made of his life a success and his prosperity is certainly well deserved.


Biographical Publishing Company, Portrait and biographical record of Lee County, Illinois, containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies of all the governors of the state, and of the presidents of the United States, Chicago: Biographical Publishing Co., 1892.

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