Biography of Robert K. Alderson

Robert K. Alderson, an extensive farmer of North Palmyra Township, is a son of Robert Alderson, a Southerner by birth, whose nativity was either in Kentucky or Tennessee. His mother was Elizabeth Clack, and both parents died in Cherokee County, Kan. Of a family of fourteen children our subject is one of the younger members. He was born in North Otter Township, February 20, 1849. There he grew to manhood and continued to live until his marriage. The subject of this sketch was married in Carlinville, February 20, 1868, to Miss Lucy A. Nevin, daughter of James Nevin. For the minutia of the history of this well-know family our readers will be pleased to turn to the biographical sketch elsewhere of James Nevin. After marriage the young couple made their home first in North Otter Township, but after several years removed to section 12, North Palmyra Township, where they have since been residents. Mrs. Alderson is a native of this county and was born May 17, 1849.

Mr. and Mrs. Alderson are the parents of seven children: Minnie M., who married Edward Walkington; Mina B., Nettie A., Mattie L., Millie M., Melvin M. and Myrtle D. Five hundred and thirty-five acres constitute the tract of land which is owned and managed by our subject. Agricultural pursuits have always engaged his exclusive attention and he has made a success of farming. The comfortable and commodious set of farm buildings with which he has adorned his farm attest his thorough management and correspond well with the neat fences which there appear. Mr. Alderson has filled well the office of School Director and in that capacity has done much to elevate the standard of the public schools. His wife is an earnest and efficient member of the Christian Church and a woman of influence in the community.


Chapman bros. Portrait and biographical record of Macoupin county, Illinois. Chicago: Biographical publishing company, 1891.

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