Biography of Robert K. Alderson

Portrait and biographical record of Macoupin county, Illinois

Robert K. Alderson, an extensive farmer of North Palmyra Township, is a son of Robert Alderson, a Southerner by birth, whose nativity was either in Kentucky or Tennessee. His mother was Elizabeth Clack, and both parents died in Cherokee County, Kan. Of a family of fourteen children our subject is one of the younger members. He was born in North Otter Township, February 20, 1849. There he grew to manhood and continued to live until his marriage. The subject of this sketch was married in Carlinville, February 20, 1868, to Miss Lucy A. Nevin, daughter of James Nevin. For the … Read more

Biography of Peter J. Ahrens

Portrait and biographical record of Macoupin county, Illinois

Peter J. Ahrens, one of the oldest merchants in Gillespie who is doing a general merchandise business on Macoupin Street, began business at his present stand in the spring of 1866. he now has a well-filled store measuring 20×66 and a ware-room 16×20 feet in addition. Before coming to this city he was in the same line of business for a year at Staunton, but is now considered one of the oldest residents of this place, having come here when the village was very small. The subject of our sketch was born in Holstein, Germany, May 29, 1826. he came … Read more

Biography of Peter F. Ahrens

Peter F Ahrens

Peter F. Ahrens, senior member of the firm of Ahrens Bros., lumber dealers of Staunton, and a representative of one of the early families of the county, was born in the city which is yet his home January 25, 1864. He is a son of John M. Ahrens, a pioneer merchant and prominent citizen, who is now living a retired life. He was carefully reared, and in the common schools began his education, which was completed in the commercial department of the college of Warrentown, Mo. He was graduated in the Class of ‘80, when sixteen years of age and … Read more

Biography of John M. Ahrens

Portrait and biographical record of Macoupin county, Illinois

John M. Ahrens is now living a retired life in Staunton. Of the citizens whom Germany has furnished to this county none are more worthy of a representation in this volume than the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born in the Province of Holstein, Germany, November 30, 1828, and in that country his parents, John and Antje (Lucks) Ahrens, spent their entire lives. They were hard-working yet respected German people and both lived to about the age of four-score years. Throughout their lives they were members of the Lutheran Church, and to gain a livelihood Mr. Ahrens … Read more

Biography of John Q. Adams

Portrait and biographical record of Macoupin county, Illinois

John Q. Adams. The gentleman of whom this sketch is written is one of the prominent residents of Bird Township, residing on section 16, where he has a fine farm adorned with handsome buildings. He is the youngest in a family of ten children. His father, Horatio Adams, and his mother Siopha Muier, were natives of Kentucky. He was born in Bird Township, January 13, 1842, and here he grew to manhood, receiving an ordinary district school education and being trained in all the duties of a truly manly character. Devotion to country was not one of the least of … Read more

Biography of Giles M. Adams

Giles M Adams

Giles M. Adams. The recollections of few pioneers extend further back than those of this gentleman, who holds an honorable place among the farmers of Brushy Mound Township and occupies one of the oldest homesteads of the county. His portrait presented on the opposite page represents the lineaments of one whom all delight to honor and whose long life of usefulness entitles him to the respect not only of his contemporaries in the settlement of the county, but of the younger generation who are enjoying the fruits of his labors. In the early part of this century there resided in … Read more

Biography of George W. Adams

George W Adams

George W. Adams. The name of this gentleman was for many years a familiar one among the people of Macoupin County, where he entered upon and finished a most worthy career. His portrait presented on the opposite page represents a citizen widely known and honored wherever known. Not only was he a witness of the development of Macoupin County from a comparatively unimportant portion of the State to its present position among the foremost counties, but he aided in its progress and his history is closely interwoven with that of the county. His life was a busy one; realizing that … Read more

Biography of Francis M. Adams

Portrait and biographical record of Macoupin county, Illinois

Francis M. Adams is one of the oldest native born citizens of Gillespie Township, his birth having occurred July 1,1 833, on section 20, Gillespie Township – the farm which he still makes his home. he is a representative of one of the most honored pioneer families of the community, his father, Giles M. Adams, having here located in 1829. he belongs to an old Virginian family. His grandparents, Daniel and Sarah (Stallion) Adams, were natives of the Old Dominion, from whence they removed with their family to Overton County, Ky., and thence to Tennessee. Subsequently the grandparents came to … Read more

Biography of Austin Adams

Austin Adams

Austin Adams. This gentleman who was an important factor in the development and improvement of Bird Township, and whose portrait is shown on the opposite page passed from the busy scenes of earth June 4, 1891. At tone time he was numbered among the largest landowners in the county but before his demise he disposed of the greater part of his large estate to his children. In this he has shown the wisdom of the keen men of today who are learning to be their own executors and no longer trust to the uncertain processes of the Probate Courts. The … Read more

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