Buffalo Prairie Township, Illinois

Buffalo Prairie Township, Illinois

This town, under original organization, was named Buffalo; afterward changed to Copper, and then to its present name. Its northern boundary is the Mississippi River, the southern Mercer County, eastern the Townships of Edgington and Andalusia, and west by Drury Township. John Edgington was the first settler, coming here in 1834 from Jefferson County, Ohio, with his wife, who was Miss Susan Crabs, born in the same county, just married and together they came west. John Kistler was the next to locate in the vicinity, and who became quite prominent in local affairs. Samuel Sloan came in 1839 from Pennsylvania. The first boy born was a son to John and Susan Edgington, March 20, 1835, named James. The first school was in 1840, taught by a venerable Scotchman. A very thrifty class of the people were Germans, who came in an early day. The township is composed of prairie land and timber, about equally, with numerous fine and well improved farms. It is said that Buffalo Prairie derives its name from the fact that in the early settlement days a great portion of the prairie land had been long and strongly trodden and stamped by the buffalo in their early grazing grounds, together with their deep trail paths leading to their drinking places.Buffalo Prairie Is situated in Buffalo Prairie Township, and not incorporated. Is a small place, with post office and two or three houses.


Township Organization 


Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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