The First Swedish Baptist Church, Moline

The First Swedish Baptist Church of Moline, Illinois, was organized May 7, 1876. Those organizing themselves to a church were before members of the Swedish Church in Rock Island, which was organized in 1853. The counsel present at the organization was: Doctor Nasbitt, D. Hawes and D. Colby from the American Church in Rock Island; Reverend Powell, Rockbausch and Williams, from Davenport; Reverend L. L. Frisk, P. Halling, A. Y. Yonson, P. Flodin and C. O. Yensen from the Swedish Baptist Church, of Rock Island; Reverend T. F. Borches, Frank Sinnet and O. Gunnell, from the American Baptist Church, Moline. Reverend T. F. Borches, was elected chair-man and Reverend 0. Lind clerk. The membership of the new church at its organization was seventy-four. The following officers were elected : Deacons, Yohannes Anderson and Christoffer Lofquist; trustees, Charles Carlson, Nels Rundquist and P. Erickson. Properties owned by the church are a church building, a parsonage and a house for the janitor. The seating capacity of the church is five hundred. It is built of brick. The parsonage is located in the finest part of the city. The church has had a steady growth since its organization. Over three hundred have been baptized; about two hundred and twenty-five received by letter and about fifty by experience. The total number of members received since its organization is over six hundred. The membership at present is two hundred and thirty-five. The pastor now having charge of the church is Reverend Detlof Lofstrom, who began work in connection with the church April 6, 1905. He came here from McKeesport, Pennsylvania. He is a graduate from the Swedish Department of the University of Chicago since April 14, 1892. Reverend Lofstrom was born in Sweden and came to this country twenty years ago.

Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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