This congregation, a member of the German Evangelical Synod of North America, was founded September 8, 1895, by Reverend C. F. Off, with thirty members. The first officers elected were: Martin Oswald, Henry Fues, Herman Meese, John Wendt. In April, 1896, Reverend Theo F. Krueger, of Cumberland, Indiana, was elected as permanent pastor of the congregation. In the Summer of this year the congregation bought the church property of the English Methodist Episcopal congregation, at 516 Ninth Street. In October, 1899, Reverend Krueger left the congregation, and Reverend J. F. C. Trefzer was elected as his successor. Under his management the parsonage was built south of the church, No. 520 Ninth Street. When Reverend Trefzer left the congregation in October, 1903, Reverend Ed E. Klimpke of Aurora, Illinois, the present pastor, was called to succeed him. He took up the work in the congregation the 1st of May, 1904. In 1905 and 1906 the church was rebuilt with a cost of $2,000. The officers of the congregation at present are: Reverend Ed E.. Klimpke, pastor; John Wendt, president; Carl Krueger, secretary; Herman Meese, treasurer; Otto Woest, secretary. The congregation has at present a membership of about one hundred and fifty The Ladies’ Aid Society has seventy-five members. The officers are: Mrs. Emma Kann, president; Mrs. Fennesy, vice-president; Mrs. Dora Krueger, secretary; Mrs. Elise Seidel, treasurer; Mrs. Pomranke, financial secretary. The Young People’s Society has about thirty members. The officers are: Reverend Ed E. Klimpke, president; Miss Olga Krueger, vice-president; Miss Martha Kilmpke, secretary; Mr. Arthur Lenz, treasurer; Miss Bertha Pomranke, financial secretary; Miss Martha Schmidt, librarian. The Sunday school has a membership of about one hundred.
Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908