Early Names of Rock Island Streets

Early Names of Rock Island Streets

In the original plat of the town of Stephen-son the alleys were named. The main streets running east and west, parallel with the river, were : Mississippi, Illinois, Orleans, Rock River, and Moline Avenue; its continuations being Highland, and Canal Streets. The alley between Mississippi Street and Illinois Street was named Cherry Alley, then came Violet, Pink and Rose Alleys; between Orleans and Rock River Streets, Peach and Plum Alleys; between Illinois and Orleans Streets, running north and south, in the blocks east and west of the Court House. The names are surely not suggestive of some of our present alleys. Streets and Avenues-old names and new: NEW. ORIGINAL. 1st. -Pike, and Pine. 2d. -St. Clair 3d. -Monroe. 4th. -Carroll. 5th. -Huron. 6th. -Main. 7th. -Pearl. 8th. -Ontario. 9th. -Exchange. 10th. -Ohio. 11th. -Swan. 12th. -Otter. 13th. -Beaver, and Short. 14th. -Deer, and Stoddard. 14 1/2. -Cutter. 15th. -Elk. 16th. -Buffalo. 17th. -Eagle. 18th. -Washington. 19th. -Jefferson, and Cherry. 20th. -Madison. 21st. -Adams. 22d. -Dock. 23d -Broadway. 24th. -Arsenal. 25th. -Davenport, and Keokuk. 26th. -Stickney, and Railroad. 27th. -Howard Avenue. 28th. -Twenty-eighth. 29th. -Columbia, and Twenty-ninth. 30th. -Elm. 31st. -Andrews. 32d. -Kimball, and Thirty-second. 38th. -Robbins, or College Avenue. 42c1. -Sylvan, and Walnut. 43d. -Francis. 45th. -Brooks Avenue. 1st. Ave. -Mississippi, Water and Front Streets. 2d. Ave. -Illinois. 3d. Ave. -Orleans. 4th. Ave. -Rock River. 5th. Ave. -Moline Avenue. Highland, and Canal Streets. 6th. Ave. -Commercial, Commerce, Pleas-ant, Green, Cable, Grove, and Sherman Streets. 7th. Ave. -Toledo, and Spencer Streets, and Second Avenue. 8th. Ave. -Barnard, and Harper Streets. 8 1/2 Ave. -Clark Street. 9th. Ave. -Indian Boundary Street, and Prospect Street, and Ninth Avenue in Edgewood Park. 9 – Ave. -Toledo, and Union Streets. 11th. Ave. -Atkinson Street.


City of Rock Island 


Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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