General Clark to the War Department

General Clark to the War Department

“Superintendency of Indian Affairs, “St. Louis, May 30, 1831. “Sir: On the 28th inst. I had the honor of receiving a letter from the Governor of Illinois dated the 28th, informing me of the measures which he had considered it necessary to pursue for the protection of the citizens of his state from Indian invasion and for the purpose of removing a band of Sacs then about Rock Island. A copy of his letter and my answer herewith enclosed. “Deeming the information received from’ the Governor of Illinois important, I immediately communicated it to General Gaines who happened to be in this place at the time, and shortly after was called upon by Govern-or Reynolds himself, to whom I gave such information respecting the Sacs complained of as had come to my knowledge, and also furnished him with such of the reports of the agent for those tribes as had relation to the subject. To the Commanding General I furnished similar information; and also for the purpose of possessing him of the views of the government on that subject, I gave him copies of such of my correspondence with the War Department as had any relation there-to. “I also enclose to you copies of two reports of the agent for the Sacs and Foxes of the 15th and 28th inst. By the first it will be seen that the band complained of is deter-mined to keep possession of their old village; and it is probable from a knowledge of the disposition evinced in the matter by the Sacs and for the purpose of dispossessing them, that the Commanding General has thought proper to make a display in that quarter of a part of the force under his command, six companies of which are now leaving this place for Rock River. The expedition (be the result what it may) cannot fail of producing good effects, even should the Indians be disposed to move peaceably to their own lands; and if not, their opposition should, in my opinion, be put down at once. “I have the honor to be, with high respect, “Your most obedient servant, ” WILLIAM CLARK. “The Hon. John H. Eaton, Secretary of War.”


Early Settlements of Rock County 


Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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