Governor Reynolds Acts
“Belleville, 26th May, 1831. “Sir: In order to protect the citizens of this state, who reside near Rock River, from Indian invasion and depredations, I have considered it necessary to call out a force of militia of this state of about seven hundred strong,. to remove a band of the Sac Indians who are now about Rock Island. The object of the government of the state is to protect those citizens by removing said Indians, peaceably if they can, but forcibly if they must. Those Indians are now, and so I have considered them, in a state of actual invasion of the state. “As you act as the public agent of the United States in relation to those Indians, I considered it my duty to inform you of the above call on the militia and that in or about fifteen days a sufficient force will appear before said Indians to remove them, dead or alive, over to the west side of the Mississippi; but to save all this disagreeable business, perhaps a request from you to them for them to remove to the west side of the river would effect the object of procuring peace to the citizens of the state. There is no disposition on the part of the people of this state to injure those unfortunate and deluded savages if they will let us alone; but a government that does not protect its citizens deserves not the name of a government. Please correspond with me at this place on this subject. “Your obedient servant, “JOHN REYNOLDS. “Gen. Clark, Supt., etc.”
Early Settlements of Rock County
Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908