Letter to Governor Reynolds

Letter to Governor Reynolds

“Superintendency of Indian Affairs, “St. Louis, May 28, 1831. “Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th inst.. informing me of your having considered it necessary to call out a force of militia of about seven hundred for the protection of the citizens of Illinois who reside near Rock Island invasion and for the purpose of removing a band of Sac Indians who are now about Rock Island, etc. “You intimate that to prevent the necessity of employing this force, perhaps a request from me to those Indians to remove to the west side of the Mississippi would effect the object of procuring peace to the citizens of your state. In answer of which I would beg leave to observe, that every effort on my part has been made to effect the removal of all those tribes who had ceded their lands. For the purpose of affording you a view (in part) of what has been done in this matter, I enclose you herewith extracts from the re- ports of the agents for the Sacs and Foxes, by which it will be seen that every means, short of actual force, has been employed to effect their removal. “I have communicated the contents of your letter to General Gaines, who commands the western division of the army, and who has full power to act and execute any military movement deemed necessary for the protection of the frontier. I shall also furnish him with such information regarding the Sacs and Foxes as I am possessed of, and would beg leave to refer you to him for any further proceedings in relation to this subject. I have the honor to be, with great respect, “Your obedient servant, ” WM. CLARK. “His Excellency, John Reynolds, Governor of Illinois.”


Early Settlements of Rock County 


Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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