The Rock Island Public Library

The Rock Island Public Library The public library building of the City of Rock Island, is very beautiful in design and architecture, and is the most imposing edifice belonging to the city, and of it all its citizens are justly proud. In fact it is readily con-ceded to be the most beautiful and commodious public building in the county, and with its valuable and well selected library, both for reference and general- literature, its influence for good in the community is very great and cannot be over-estimated. Its architecture is of “Ionic ” design. Its interior decoration is in “Italian … Read more

Rock Island Public Parks

Rock Island Public Parks The parks of Rock Island consist of three public squares, and a tract containing about forty acres within the corporate limits, known as Long View Park. The small parks are known respectively as Spencer Square, Garnsey Square and Court House Square. Spencer Square is situated in what is known as Spencer and Case’s Addition, this Addition was laid out in 1836 by John W. Spencer and Jonah Case. What is now known as Spencer Square was not laid out in lots, but in the first instance was occupied in part for school purposes, from April, 1846, … Read more

Rock Island Post Office

Rock Island Post Office The first post office in this county was established in connection with old Fort Armstrong, April 23, 1825, Colonel George Davenport being the first postmaster. Owing to the fact that there was no one to administer the obligations of the position Mr. Davenport served a number of years without taking an oath. April 4, 1834, the first post office was established upon the mainland and Joseph Conway was made the’ first postmaster. The office was first located at Farnhamsburg, but when Stephenson became the county seat it was removed to somewhere in the neighbor-hood of what … Read more

Rock Island Police Department

Rock Island Police Department In the early days of Rock Island the police force was small, being in proportion to the needs of the city in this respect. As the population increased the number of guardians of the property and peace of the citizens was gradually increased, mainly by the addition of night men. For many years the marshal was the only day man on ordinary occasions. He staid about the city offices and if anything came up demanding his services he went out alone and disposed of the business. About thirty years ago the first attempt was made to … Read more

The Rock Island Petition

The Rock Island Petition “April 30, 1831. “His Excellency, the Governor of the State of Illinois : “We, the undersigned, being citizens of Rock River and its vicinity, beg leave to state to your honor the grievances which we labor under and pray your protection against the Sac and Fox tribe of Indians who have again taken possession of our lands near the mouth of Rock River and its vicinity. They have, and now are, burning our fences, destroying our crops of wheat now growing by turning in all their horses. They also threat-en our lives if we attempt to … Read more

Rock Island Manufactories

Rock Island Manufactories Our manufacturing interests are strong and growing every day. Space forbids our mentioning everybody. The products of the factories are very diversified, and all, large and small, are on a good sound basis, with a very satisfactory business. The Rock Island Plow Company was originally established in 1854 by Charles Buford and R. N. Tate; afterwards named B. D. Buford and Company, and later the Rock Island Plow Company. They manufacture high grade agricultural implements; mainly plows, cultivators, harrows, hay loaders and other farm implements. The company has recently been re-organized, increasing its capital stock from $600,000 … Read more

The Rock Island Mutual Building, Loan and Savings Association

The Rock Island Mutual Building, Loan and Savings Association In the year 1880 on the invitation of the late Samuel S. Guyer, the pioneer savings institution of Rock Island was organized. This institution was one of the first Building Associations organized in Illinois and has been the model for many similar associations in this and adjoining States. During the first year the total receipts were only $4,263.70. But so rapidly were the investing public educated in the advantages of the Building Association, that in the year 1894 the annual receipts had increased to $237,619.05. How much benefit has accrued from … Read more

Rock Island Fire Department

Rock Island Fire Department The old “Bucket Brigade” was followed by the regular Volunteer Fire Department, which was organized in 1856, and a Land engine purchased, and named “Western No. 1.” The engine when received was housed in a new two-story brick building on the north-west corner of Court House Square. Frazer Wilson was elected president, and George E. Biddison foreman. The company was limited to seventy-five members. Later another company was formed and took the name of “Aquarius No. 2” -motto “Water Bearer.” The company having a membership of sixty-five, with George L. Carlton as foreman. The second company … Read more

Rock Island Hospitals and Homes

Rock Island Hospitals and Homes For a city the size of Rock Island, it is adequately supplied with institutions for caring for the sick, injured and indigent. Bethany Home, for neglected children, orphans and deserving poor, located in the upper end of Rock Island, on ‘Fifth Avenue, was formerly known as the Union Mission, and was located at Eighth Street and Fourth Avenue. Later it was transferred to South Rock Island, where it was maintained until January 3, 1906. The new quarters are of brick, and are capable of accommodating fifty children. There are now forty inmates. The cost of … Read more

Rock Island Industrial Home Association

Rock Island Industrial Home Association The Rock Island Industrial Home Association was formed at a mass-meeting of the members of the labor unions of the City, headed by the Knights of Labor, held in December, 1887. The branches of organized labor represented in the association, in the beginning, included Knights of Labor, printers, glass-blowers, tailors, iron molders, cigar makers, carpenters, switchmen and locomotive firemen. The first efforts of the association were turned toward the raising of a fund with which to purchase a lot and erect a home for labor. To do this an annual fair was instituted. The first … Read more

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