Rock Island Manufactories

Rock Island Manufactories

Our manufacturing interests are strong and growing every day. Space forbids our mentioning everybody. The products of the factories are very diversified, and all, large and small, are on a good sound basis, with a very satisfactory business. The Rock Island Plow Company was originally established in 1854 by Charles Buford and R. N. Tate; afterwards named B. D. Buford and Company, and later the Rock Island Plow Company. They manufacture high grade agricultural implements; mainly plows, cultivators, harrows, hay loaders and other farm implements. The company has recently been re-organized, increasing its capital stock from $600,000 to $2,600,000. Weyerhaeuser and Denkmann. Company, manufacturers of and dealers in lumber, lath, shingles, and anything connected with that line of business. They are also the largest general concern in the logging and timber interests in the United States. Rock Island Stove Works, manufacture all kinds of cooking stoves, ranges and heating stoves. Rock Island Lumber and Manufacturing Company. A general line of lumber, mouldings, etc. Rock Island Sash and Door Works. Whole sale manufacturers of everything in sash, doors, blinds and mouldings.

Among the many other enterprising industries are found: National Neck Yoke Company. Fremont Butter Tub Company. Electric Construction and Machinery Company. Colona Sand Stone Quarries. Rock Island Skirt Company. Kramer Printing and Publishing Company, successors to Kramer and Company, the old reliable printing and book binding establishment.


City of Rock Island 


Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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