Reply from Governor Reynolds

Reply from Governor Reynolds

“Belleville, May 28, 1831. “General Gaines. “Sir: I have received undoubted information that the section of this state near Rock Island is actually invaded by a hostile band of the Sac Indians headed by Black Hawk; and in order to repel said invasion, and to protect the citizens of the state, I have, under the provisions of the constitution of the United States and the laws of this state, called on the militia, to the number of 700 men, who will be mounted and ready for service in a very short time. I consider it my duty to lay before you the above information, so as you, commanding the military forces of the United States in this part of the Union, may adopt such measures in regard to said Indians as you deem right. “The above mentioned mounted volunteers (because such they will be) will be in readiness immediately to move against said Indians, and, as Executive of the State of Illinois, I respectfully solicit your co-operation in this business. Please honor me with an answer to this letter. “With sincere respect to your character, “I am, your obedient servant, “JOHN REYNOLDS.”


Early Settlements of Rock County 


Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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