Woman’s Club Of Moline

Woman’s Club Of Moline

The Woman’s Club of Moline was founded May 23, 1903, by Mrs. Frank Gates Allen, of Moline, who called the first meeting, secured the place and speakers and presented a plan of organization which was adopted. The Club’s membership grew rapidly, outgrowing the capacity of successive meeting places, until it has five hundred and twenty-five members and holds its regular meetings in one of the largest church buildings in Moline -the First Congregational. The object of the Club, as stated by its constitution, “shall be to foster the interest of its members in literary, scientific, musical, historical, and other topics of vital importance; to promote culture and cordial personal relations among women, and to contribute to the welfare of the community.” Any woman living in Moline or vicinity is eligible to membership in the Club. It has, consequently, many members who live in Rock Island, Davenport or the smaller towns nearby. Monthly meetings are held from October to May inclusive. At these, reports of the departmental work are given, a pro-gram, consisting of music and the discussion of some live subject by an authority upon it, is presented and a short. social hour follows. The Club has several departments: The music department, formed by the absorption of the Moline Beethoven Club, provides music for each regular meeting and one or two recitals each season. The philanthropic department, formed by the absorption of the Moline Associated Charities, supports the Moline police matron, and City missionary, and provides for most of the relief work done for the poor of the city. The civics department encourages the cleaning and beautifying of lots, streets and alleys, the opening of parks, the abatement of nuisances, and unsanitary conditions and the establishment of public play grounds. The department of pure food and domestic economy aims to secure the intelligent enforcement of the pure food laws. The art and literature department conducts a study class which meets fortnightly. The legislative department keeps the Club in touch with legislation of interest to its members, especially that which effects women and children.


City of Moline 


Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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