Holbrook to Hosmer Cemetery, Illinois

A list of all cemeteries in Illinois, first by name, county and location.  A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

For additional Illinois Cemetery Listings please visit AccessGenealogy  AHGP  ALHN  USGenWeb  USGenWeb Archives
National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database

 Holbrook CemeteryHardinKarbers Ridge
 Holcombville CemeteryMcHenryMcHenry
 Holderby CemeteryWhiteCarmi
 Holderman and Hoge CemeteryGrundyStavanger
 Holderman CemeteryGrundyCoal City
 Holeman CemeteryMorganAvon
 Holford CemeteryPikeMilton
 Holland CemeteryHancockBentley
 Hollands Grove CemeteryTazewellWashington
 Hollingsworth CemeteryMacoupinScottville
 Hollinshead CemeteryWhitesideThomson
 Hollis CemeteryPeoriaPekin
 Hollis CemeteryPikePleasant Hill East
 Hollister CemeteryLawrenceLawrenceville
 Hollowayville CemeteryBureauDepue
 Holly Grove CemeteryStephensonWarren
 Holmes CemeteryMorganJacksonville
 Holmes CemeteryWilliamsonCreal Springs
 Holstlaw CemeteryMasonBiggs
 Holt CemeteryJohnsonBloomfield
 Holt CemeteryMarionPatoka
 Holtzgang CemeteryMadisonGrantfork
 Holy Childhood of Jesus CemeterySt. ClairMascoutah
 Holy Cross CemeteryWillPlainfield
 Holy Cross CemeterySt. ClairFrench Village
 Holy Cross CemeteryMontgomeryLitchfield
 Holy Cross CemeteryMonroeWaterloo
 Holy Cross CemeteryMonroeRenault
 Holy Cross CemeteryMonroeRenault
 Holy Cross CemeteryMcLeanNormal West
 Holy Cross CemeteryMadisonCollinsville
 Holy Cross CemeteryLoganLincoln West
 Holy Cross CemeteryLeeHarmon
 Holy Cross CemeteryLa SalleMendota West
 Holy Cross CemeteryJo DaviessStockton
 Holy Cross CemeteryCookCalumet City
 Holy Cross Lutheran CemeteryFayetteBingham
 Holy Family CemeterySt. ClairCahokia
 Holy Sepulchre CemeteryCookPalos Park
 Holy Sepulchre CemeteryChampaignGifford
 Holy Trinity CemeteryJo DaviessScales Mound West
 Home Cemetery (historical)St. ClairLebanon
 Home Oaks CemeteryLakeAntioch
 Homeland CemeteryRock IslandPort Byron
 Homer Grand Army of the Republic CemeteryChampaignHomer
 Homestead CemeteryRock IslandCoal Valley
 Homewood Memorial GardensCookHarvey
 Honey CemeteryAlexanderMill Creek
 Honey CemeteryJasperNewton
 Hooppole CemeteryHenryHooppole
 Hoosier Prairie CemeteryClayLouisville East
 Hooten CemeteryVermilionDanville SW
 Hope CemeteryWarrenGalesburg West
 Hope CemeteryLa SalleTonica
 Hope CemeteryKnoxGalesburg West
 Hope CemeteryJeffersonSpring Garden
 Hope CemeteryCarrollMount Carroll
 Hopeland CemeteryBureauBuda
 Hopewell CemeteryWayneCrisp
 Hopewell CemeteryPerryPinckneyville
 Hopewell CemeteryMontgomeryHillsboro
 Hopewell CemeteryMercerViola
 Hopewell CemeteryMcLeanHolder
 Hopewell CemeteryLawrenceSumner
 Hopewell CemeteryJeffersonKell
 Hopewell CemeteryGreeneCarrollton
 Hopkins CemeteryCassVirginia
 Hopkins CemeteryHamiltonThackeray
 Hopwell CemeterySangamonSalisbury
 Hornback CemeteryPikeRockport
 Hornback CemeteryMenardPetersburg
 Horney CemeteryWarrenGalesburg West
 Horse Creek CemeterySangamonPawnee
 Horsman CemeteryShelbyLakewood
 Hosmer CemeterySchuylerRushville South


Cemeteries of Illinois

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