Oakdale to Old Cemetery, Illinois

A list of all cemeteries in Illinois, first by name, county and location.  A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

For additional Illinois Cemetery Listings please visit AccessGenealogy  AHGP  ALHN  USGenWeb  USGenWeb Archives
National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database

 Oakdale CemeteryLakeWadsworth
 Oakdale CemeteryWashingtonOakdale
 Oakhill CemeteryVermilionDanville SW
 Oakland CemeteryWinnebagoDurand
 Oakland CemeteryStephensonFreeport West
 Oakland CemeteryMorganMeredosia
 Oakland CemeteryMenardPetersburg
 Oakland CemeteryMcHenryWoodstock
 Oakland CemeteryJerseyMedora
 Oakland CemeteryJacksonCarbondale
 Oakland CemeteryHancockWarsaw
 Oakland CemeteryCookCalumet City
 Oakland CemeteryBureauPrinceton South
 Oaklawn CemeteryLivingstonDwight
 Oaklawn CemeteryDeKalbDeKalb
 Oakleaf Memorial ParkRock IslandCoal Valley
 Oakridge CemeteryWhitesideClinton
 Oakville CemeteryCarrollMount Carroll
 Oakwood CemeteryMadisonAlton
 Oakwood CemeteryMcDonoughMacomb
 Oakwood CemeteryPikePittsfield
 Oakwood CemeteryWillWilmington
 Oakwood CemeteryWillJoliet
 Oakwood CemeteryWilliamsonHerrin
 Oakwood CemeteryWoodfordGermantown Hills
 Oakwood CemeteryLeeDixon East
 Oakwood CemeteryLakeWaukegan
 Oakwood CemeteryLa SalleLa Salle
 Oakwood CemeteryDuPageWest Chicago
 Oakwood CemeteryGreeneGreenfield
 Oakwood CemeteryHancockHamilton
 Oakwood CemeteryHenryGeneseo
 Oakwood CemeteryJeffersonMount Vernon
 Oakwood CemeteryJo DaviessWarren
 Oakwood CemeteryKankakeeSaint Anne
 Oakwood Memorial ParkLa SalleOttawa
 Oakwood Protestant CemeteryWillWilmington
 Oakwoods CemeteryCookJackson Park
 Oblong CemeteryCrawfordOblong North
 Oconee Mound CemeteryShelbyOconee
 Odd Fellows CemeteryWhitesideSterling
 Odd Fellows CemeteryWhiteNorris City
 Odd Fellows CemeteryMassacMetropolis
 Odd Fellows CemeteryMadisonGranite City
 Odd Fellows CemeteryJohnsonBloomfield
 Oddfellow CemeteryFranklinWest Frankfort
 Oddfellows CemeteryJeffersonWoodlawn
 Oddfellows CemeteryWashingtonAshley
 Odell CemeteryLivingstonOdell
 Oetgen CemeteryCassBeardstown
 Ogden CemeteryEdgarParis South
 Ogden CemeteryWarrenCameron
 Ohio CemeteryClarkWest Union
 Ohio CemeteryBureauOhio
 Ohio Chapel CemeteryPulaskiBandana
 Ohio Grove CemeteryDeKalbSycamore
 Ohlman CemeteryChristianOhlman
 Okawville CemeteryWashingtonOkawville
 Old Apostolic CemeteryIroquoisClaytonville
 Old Apostolic CemeteryTazewellMorton
 Old Baptist CemeteryKankakeeSaint Anne
 Old Baptist CemeteryJeffersonWaltonville
 Old Baptist CemeteryEdgarSandford
 Old Baptist CemeteryDe WittKenney
 Old Baptist CemeteryColesMattoon West
 Old Bedford CemeteryMcDonoughStronghurst
 Old Bethel CemeteryMarionIuka
 Old Bethel CemeteryWhiteCenterville
 Old Brick CemeteryHancockCarthage East
 Old Brumbach CemeteryLa SalleMarseilles
 Old Brush Harbor CemeteryHamiltonThackeray
 Old Burg CemeteryIroquoisL’Erable
 Old Carter CemeteryClintonBoulder
 Old Catholic CemeteryMcDonoughMacomb
 Old Catholic CemeterySt. ClairLebanon
 Old CemeteryLa SalleTonica


Cemeteries of Illinois

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