Rock Island Council, No. 1952, Royal Arcanum, was organized September 3, 1902, in Math’s Hall, with twenty-eight charter members. First officers elected were: Re-gent, Will A. Robb; vice-regent, William Ranson; orator, Frank H. First; past regent, H. H. Robb; secretary, S. E. Mattison, junior; collector, Joseph F. Schneider; treasurer, A. S. Rasmussen; chaplain, Reverend Thomas J. Shuey; guide, Albert Myers; warden, Benjamin E. Robb; sentry, William M. Johnson; trustees, Phil S. Wilcher, William Emig, Charles Oswald; representative grand council, H. H. Robb; alternate, Will A. Robb. Meetings are held in Math’s Hall, the second and fourth Friday nights of each month. The present membership is eighty-two.
Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908