Biography of Julius Benedict of Berlin, Illinois

History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Julius Benedict, Berlin, was born in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., August 6, 1826. His parents, L. Nathan and Clarissa (Thatcher) Benedict, were both natives of Vermont. At the age of sixteen years he left home and worked for three years in Rochester, N. Y., and in 1846 came to Lamoille, Ill., which he made his home for three years, though during that time he traveled south through Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas, engaging in whatever work presented itself. In 1849 he made the overland trip to California and engaged in mining for three years. In 1852 he returned to this … Read more

Biography of Charles C. Baird of Lamoille, Illinois

History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Charles C. Baird, Lamoille, was born June 28, in Fairfield Township, Westmoreland Co., Penn. His grandfather was William Baird. His father, Joseph Baird, was a native of Chambersburg, Penn. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died in Bolivar, Penn. The mother of our subject, Jenny Henderson, was a native of Westmoreland County, Penn., where she died. Her mother, Mrs. Polly Henderson, was a native of Ireland, and was three months crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Mrs. Jennie Baird was the mother of seven boys and two girls. Of these only three are living, viz.: Charles, our subject, … Read more

Biography of Thomas Aughey of Lamoille, Illinois

Thomas Aughey, Lamoille, was born in County Meath, Ireland, in 1835. He is a son of Christopher and Bridget (Wood) Aughey, both natives of Ireland, and now residents of Ohio Township, in this County. They are the parents of the following children; Mrs. Mary Gould, of Oxford, Iowa, Thomas Aughey, Mrs. Bridget McGuire, and Jane Aughey. Our subject came to the United States with his parents in the fall of 1847. He landed in New Orleans, and the next spring came to Bureau County, Ill., where his parents first settled west of Dennis Driscoll. In Lamoille Township Mr. Aughey now … Read more

Biography of Elisha Allen of Lamoille, Illinois

Elisha Allen, Lamoille, is a native of Warren County, N.J., where he was born October 1818. His parents, James and Sarah (Groff) Allen, were natives of New Jersey, where they died. The mother was of German extraction and grandfather Allen was also of German descent. Our subject was reared in his Native State, where he followed farming till he came to the West, which was March, 1871. He bought a farm two miles northeast of Princeton, Bureau Co., Ill. which he sold in 1876 and then bought a farm of 124 acres in Lamoille Township, where he now resides. Mr. … Read more

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